[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

testing this on my iphone, If I understand you correct I enable screensaver and save, go to dashboard, then back to screensaver settings it is still enabled.

Testing on phone app, my ns panel ll come later when i make it work as intended on phone. Family doesnt have necessary patience to make too sophisticated experiments, they expect everything works as intended out of the box :grin:

In iPhone and Android it work, i thinking at lenovo smart clock

Iā€™m sorry for the confusion

in lenovo smart clock it works also with the screensaver toggle that stays on.

Ok, css rule disappear because i donā€™t allow some char. The ", " is one of this, i enable it in next update


also after reboot?

  • install the app login set screensaver on, switch dashboard, switch settings toggle SS is on.
  • reboot with app open, can login but all settings to clean install included sreensaver is off.
  • after reboot set screensaver on, switch dashboard, switch settings toggle SS is on.
  • close app, open app: hang boot logo with Error {} popup message.

That would be awesome. Is it also possible to get a toggle in Params to hide the ā€œLast Updatedā€ value that is presented at the bottom of the widgets? Or can that be done with css?

For sensors is this nice to have, but on toggles for light or scenes or whatever it has no function in my opinion.

It can be by css,
.content .update { display: none }

I think lenovo at reboot clear localstorage. Need to try other database engine

Thanks, love it what you can do with your app. Makes my home even smarter!

iā€™m rewriting database management, need some day for complete it. stay tuned! :crossed_fingers:


@Robinjo can you test this apk in lenovo smart clock?test8.apk

Weā€™ve got a winner :tada:

  • it opens at reboot with config
  • after app close it opens with config

The only thing is that it gives an error in info section. App version is shown now :smiley:

Can you make future updates apk download link at the top of your post section. Now I need to manual scroll to the end because I donā€™t have adb on this devicešŸ¤Ŗ

Some fix and release the final apk with auto update function (like ns panel pro! )

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Very nice that you solved the problem! :muscle:t3: Happy smartdash clock user.

Can i buy you a coffee or beer somewhere?

Thankyou but itā€™s not necessary :blush:

What is the ā€œandroid codenameā€ of Lenovo Smart Clock? In Ns Panel Pro is px30_evb