[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

I dont get the point with material design icons?


After retest theinsight info are présents in devices info


Ok post some screenshot

I use this webfont

Every icon are writed like this

<span class=“mdi mdi-power-off”> </ span>

You can customize the icon, in text field you need to replace selected icon with your favorite icon (without mdi-)

OK thanks, I am getting there for my buttons and devices that have a .on function.

How is the sensor state defined in CSS.

it should be .value
Tomorrow I write a list more complete

I still dont get it how I can change the icons. I see the font has about 7000 icons, I assume thats fairly enough to find anything I want. But how can I enforce different icon to a lets say light bulb, except those 20 you have as an option in the dropdown menu?

By css should be possible change icon using pseudo class after and before, but I think is complicated.
Probably is more efficient add ability to insert icon manual from settings.

A sample with font awesome

A first draft, ability to manual add icon

or I could add a section in customization where to enable the other icons

Other question:
My Airco doesn’t show the icon for the modus:

It’s a DIAKIN connected with the DAIKUN ONECTA app.

Also I would love to have the CSS So I can change the color depending on the modus of the airco.
I own a hotel with 10 rooms, they all have airco’s in them connected to my Homey. I have several flows to changed the airco’s status. In the morning when the cleaning of the rooms start I put all the airco’s in Fan only with max fan capacity.
In winter time they all heat the rooms to a comfortable temperature before guests check in etc ect.
I would be very nice to have one panel with all the airco’s on them, and showing different colors based on the modus of the machines.

In homey it looks like this.
Would love to recreate on NSPANEL

Go in device info and make a screenshot of the capabilities availables, I add support for this device

Il could make possible, we need all values availability for the thermostat_mode capability

here they are

Ah ok, operation mode, normally is thermostat mode
 I add it in next version

Hi @diapolon,

I’m new to your app and just starting playing with it. Looking very nice and easy to setup.
A question about features: is there a way to add RING doorbell images to the dashboard? I setup my doorbell as a generic capability, but it doesn’t show images.

Hi, you can use widgetCamera if ring has a image preview. See some previous post, another use has ringdorbell (if I remember correctly)

I have a widget which shows a message which I use as a general alarm notification. For now the background is red. But with the new css option I would like to have a green background when te capability (generic capability widget) is empty (or in my case ‘—’).

I have the sample ‘on/off’ working, but I am a real noob on css. Can you help me out how to write the css for my situation.

Mmm,with generic capability is not possible because it hasn’t a state change. Need to use a socket,light o a generic alarm sensor (now don’t remember the correct name) or a virtual button with add/remove a “on” class (or “active” class) when status is changed.

Edit now i reader it show a message.

Maybe I need to create a widget for this, alertwidget, if it value is not empty it add on class, is very simple a little mod of generic capability

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I can’t find widgetCamera. Do you mean the VirtualCamera widget? That one does not allow me to fetch the Ring connected to Homey, but uses its own URL,

Yes virtualcamera widget! You need a direct url to camera preview

I googled, for ring doorbell need specific api call.

A workaround is create a virtual device camera and update image by a flow that take a snapshot and use virtual camera widget for show it