[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

v 0.240229.2

  • Added optimizations for WidgetCamera @WillemG

Because this widget is born for a generic camera/image in the lan or by internet.
Retrieving image direct from homey can be an extra step (cam ip-> homey->smartdash app VS cam ip->smartdash app)

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Can’t you add a selection in the setup screen:
What field to display. That way the user can decide for himself what info to display

it could be a valid solution :+1:

v 0.240229.3

  • Added optimizations for WidgetCamera
  • Now flows are sorted alphabetically in WidgetButton
  • Added support for meter_power_daily in WidgetSolarPanel (simple method)

@WillemG check if all working

Meter power is ok now :pray:

I got my NSPanel today. The virtual webcam shows Warning sign. (see screenshot)
When I call the webcam from the browser it gives me the certificate warning. so probably that is in the way. Can’t think of a way to work around this. (I tried both http and https)

PS: The temperature Gauge is a bit off… not aligned in the middle (top bottom) of the box

Screensaver is not activated on my NSPANEL. What can be the cause?
I have added CLOCK as slide 1 with a time out of 5 minutes.

MMM, i tried and seam work. check if slide 2 and 3 if disabled!

in widget options try to reduce font size

can you try with a public image for testing if it work?

It works when only one slide is active but, the hour is off:

Current time is 09:31 but screen saver is on 00:38 (for over an hour)

When I input a jpeg file on any public website the image is shown correctly

that did it !

I have released an update for nspanel, check if now viewing is correct. If ok i publish update in playstore and applestore

It happened to me sometimes too but I haven’t found the bug yet :sweat_smile:

v 0.240301.1

  • Some graphics bugs fix

I bricked my panel by ADB-ing and activating the proximity sensor…

Anyone any tips to refresh it ???

if you go in recovery and make a wipe data?

Hello @diapolon,

I managed to make the app working, thanks for the help with API key / bearer token issue.

I am experimenting with the phone version to set up some nice dashboards with it, I somehow feel limited by the options though, I would prefer i some cases different combinations of colors, borders, padding etc. I wonder if it would be possible to allow more customizability to the individual tiles and custom icons/backgrounds. My idea would be to give every single button/tile something like a css class and allow css-like formatting if that is possible? That would open basically endless possibilities for design!

What is your opinion?

BR and thanks for great work!

Yes is possibile, the system already works with CSS, i can add a section for writing or loading a custom css but I have to handle it correctly to avoid corrupt everything :sweat_smile: