[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

hi, i donā€™t know :sweat_smile:. if you try to modify widget and replace deleted device with another? it work?

Unfortunately, the widget cannot be changed, so it cannot be replaced by another one

what type of widget is it?


ok i found the problemā€¦ Iā€™ll correct it soon

Your the Best :+1:

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v 0.240227.1

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It works, well done and again so quickly :+1:

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Hi there. I love the dashboard app. My NSPANEL is on the way. So I am testing on iOS for the moment.

One thing I want is a snapshot from my doorbell when the doorbell rings.
I did add a Virtual Camera with a refresh time of 1 minute.
For now I do get an images out of my Unifi Doorbell (https://ipadress/snap.jpeg) but:

  • it is not sized correctly in the dashboard. See screenshot.

  • It is not refreshed every minute. (see screen shot time vs time on image)

  • can you add a mechanism that the picture is updated when the status of the doorbell is ā€˜ringingā€™ ? Or by touching the image the image will be updated regardless to timer. So when the doorbell rings I can see directly (after touch) who is there. In stead of having to wait to the image is refreshed by the interval.

Thanks for all the good work !

Hi, i fixed camera widget with ability to refresh image with a click.

v 0.240229.1

  • Addded ability to refresh widget camera with a click. Fixed image layout and added update time @WillemG

:pray: I didnā€™t expect an answer this quick :wink: Thank you so much.

I updated my iOS app to test.
Unfortunatly the result is better, but not 100% yet. see screenshot:

EDIT: GENERAL SETTINGS ->DASHBOARD GRID SIZE does impact the way the image is displayed. So I think it has to do something with that

  • Current time is 11:24 (see clock), updated time is 11:24 (in the deurbel box), but it did not reload the image. (see time stamp in left upper corner 11:22). I did double check both clocks and they are in sync

Is there a wish-list or a ToDo list for this app ?? Or do I just drop my ideas in here?

Sliding bars are left-right now. I would be nice to have them up-down for BlindCurtains. In case they are curtain left-right is okay, if they are roller blinds up-down would make more sense.

*Virtual Button setup
Please sort FLOWS in alphabetical order.

For SolarEdge sunpanel the wrong label is displayed.


Dag opbrengst is 2.43 see screen shot
Total production is 6876,91

For boxing is a test, in next version i re-add full viewing.
For not updating i think if a caching problem, in next version i add a workaround:
Can you try if in browser this call work?

Can you see the capability name in the device info?

Drop here your ideasšŸ˜Š

The call works.

I am wondering though why you read the pictures direct from camera, outside of homey. Isnā€™t there an API call to homey to get the image?

Becauase every camera has a different call. Homey should have a general call.

Can you see the capability name in the device info?


ok, in fronius app meter_power is daily value. Need to add a check for meter_power_daily exists