[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

That would be just amazing. Look forward to the update!

+1 Would love that.

Even better to have the ability to change background color based on logic values of Homey.
For example. I have a dedicated HUE light in my living room to show the status of my solar panels and my energy usage in house.

Whenever I produce more energy that is been used the light is green. When I use more energy than is produced by the solar panel it turns red.

Would be perfect if the NSPANEL’s background turned green or red depending on this. Or even better the color of the one button displaying the value.
In my case:

If value of Opbrengt > 0 background: red else background: green

eheh +1 for me, i would like to implement it.
I had already thought about an automatic mode for the background, valid for thermostat for example

interesting use of hue

v 0.240304.2

  • Added ability to enable unsecure certificates (New toggle button in settings → system). it can be used with VirtuaCamera for showing https images with self certificates without errors.
    Only work in NS Panel Pro and others Android devices

I also have a flow that changes the status of homeys LED ring…

When leaving the home my security camera’s are set in recording mode.

If my living room security cam is recording the LED ring is set to RAINBOW colors. So everybody in the house knows the camera is recording.
For some reason the mode of the camera’s are not set correct when returning home :wink:

I do have a button on my NSPANEL of course to trigger the flow to switch camera modes :wink:

Would be nice if the color of that button can also be set.
If recording = on → RED
if recording = off → GREEN

this can be done (more or less) with a homey virtual device (switch or light) which changes state on/off based on the cameras recording status :sweat_smile:

but how to set the color of the button then ?

Now let’s see how to do this :sweat_smile:

Proof of Work


first many thanks for this app. !!

I just have a problem with insight.
all the insight i select send empty graph.

I don’t understand your solution… and why they are all empty ?
Could you help me ?


Hi, Your api key can access log?

Great to see progresss, but now i cant log in to the app. See the error. Is it possible its just Homey 2019 (bearer token) issue?


How i can test it ?

Sorry for my pour level…

Yes is it

Hmmm. The bearer token link works, but the app still requires to have the token in the api key field or it wont boot

Try to insert manually it, next update i optimize method for auto update token if ltoken’s link is populated.
Actually, when a connection error occur, the app show the login screen. For homey 2019 need to change it.
How often do you recover the token?

Create a new api key and allow all options!

Probably need to speed up the time of the flow to recover the token and/or the time of the app to recover the token

i’m rewriting manage of token.
Actually i check token url every hour for update and store it in api key fields.
This work if token don’t expire before being regenerated.
Now i’m changing it and i get token every call, so I have the token always updated.
It make more calls but it should work better

Ok i will check

I have a 2019 version
so my API is like this

Perhaps i make a mistake when i create this API…