Precense and advanced flow with Ubiquiti

Cannot make this flow work. Connected status is working in Homey from wifi.

Seems that all clients needs to be disconected at the same time for it to trigger. Need some help on how I can make it work.

The problem is, that all person have to disconnect at exactly the same time. And this will never happen.
A workaround could look like this:

— Anders disconnected
— Anette is disconnected
— Ella is disconnected
— Liam is disconnected
— Push

— Anette disconnected
— Anders is disconnected
— Ella is disconnected
— Liam is disconnected
— Push

And the same flow with Ella and Liam.

Another way to solve this:
For a better usability, I created a Homey user for every person.
Now I can set each single person as present/away based on Unifi state.
For “nobody is at home” I use the default trigger from Homey presence “last person left”. And the other way the “first person came home” trigger.

Yepp thats what I suspected
Thanks for the tip.
Going to try it out tomorrow

How do you connect the user to UniFi?
Or does it mean that all users have homey app installed and logged on?

I created every user in Homey. You need seperate email addresses for.
If you have the users in Homey, you can set the user state via flows.

Here are example flows:

I use a timer to prevent too fast reaction on disconnects to prevent state changes in case of access poit roaming.

That did the trick
Works good!
