Why does the app not show the temp requested? It only shows the actual roomtemp.
Where? In the devices tab?
In the flow reference. Temp requested shows hyphen ie “-” no value.
Ik like to use it for calculating the temp difference between requested and measured temp.
I have the same problem and think that there is a problem with Anna it self. I can’t connect to it with the app.
Works fine with my app.
You should e-mail Plugwise support about that.
My mistake… I still was using the 2017 app for the GSM, so that is working again.
Also the old app for Homey, because the new app doesn’t include all the stuff the old one was giving like water pressure and LUX.
Hopefully they will include that soon.
@TedTolboom can you say if there is maybe a change that this will be updated in the future?