Please help me with my first advanced flow

Sorry Roy but I think I don’t understand :frowning:
You changed my flow with red text:

In first line there must be Motion On
In secon line there must by Motion Off
On third line Timer should reach zero (be empty) or You have something else on Your mind?

I thing we are near to end of this problem…please be patient and help me with this :slight_smile:

I am learning

I helped a lot of people with Domoticz on many forums. I try to understand how flows are working.
I really can’t understand what is wrond with this flow. Mayby You could share Yours (similiar one)?

Best regards


My script is identical (logic not all switches) but on my countdown starts 60s and when I move to turn motion on it doesn’t reset. It counts from 60 to 0 and turn off the light.

My normal flows are turn off.

Thanks for Your help. I need to test it and understand what am I doing wrong. At this time I really don’t know. My script is identical.

Thx a lot

It works but…I think my Xiaomi motion sensor have to big cooldown and I need to wait 20-30s to activate motion again.

Thx for help and sorry for my ignorance.

Thread should be closed

I am using this sensor for 2 days.
Normally I am using Fibaro motion sensor.

I am not expert at all but I know Domoticz better :slight_smile:
I really start to love Homey as a platform (almost everything works without any effort).
Domoticz was different but it was more open to community. It was very quick and with some help from community You could do almost everything like in HA.

Once again thank You for help. I will need it for couple of week. I am moving to new house and I need to make whole automation from scratch.

Best regards

In the separated flows you have condition between 0:01 and 5:00.
In the advanced flow between 9:00 (=21:00?) and 5:00.

What if you use condition ‘date and time’ card ‘ it is night’ (means after sunset and before sunrise)?

In this flow I want to turn on my Bathroom mirror only between 00:01 and 5:00. When I wake up at night and go to bathroom.

In advanced flow I change it to 9:00 because I wanted to test it now.

Sunset (on Poland in winter is at 16 pm :slight_smile: It is to early to this flow.

Thank You for advice

Hi Roy as I do not know Polish, I was trapped, too. There is one small ‘y’ between the first and the second line.
czujnik ruchu wlaczony means motions sensor on, and
czujnik ruchu wylaczony means motion sensor off


Hi Lukasz,
I guess, you miss the connection between Timer reaches zero(0) Lustro and Output is turned on in the third line.
The way you wrote it ALL will never be hit

The challenge was still too great.
Equally beautiful for others in the Netherlands

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In the past there was a problem with times on two different days, the alternative was,
use inverse: Time is Not between 5:00 and 21:00
Don’t know if this problem was solved but you can try.

Thank You all for support.

Everything is working at the moment.

Best regards


When making the first steps with Homey advanced flows, best is to keep it simple.

I advocate built-in timers and zones. This helps you avoid making mistakes and they are more efficient. You can always make it more sophisticated later.

The below example flow does not use any specific device. It assumes the motion sensor and the light are in the room (zone) you created.

So you can always drag more lights or motion sensors to the zone or change devices without having to adjust the flow. Less maintenance.

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I have another question about flows.

I want to turn off my Fibaro Walli Led colour light On after 17:00 and Turn Off after 6:00.

I really don’t know how to do that.

In WHEN card there is no “beetween some time card” . This card is only in AND card.

I wanted to make flow - WHEN time beetween 17:00 and 6:00 Turn Fibaro Walli Led light White (I wanted to add all my switches).

And second flow - When time is between 6:01 and 16:59 Turn off Fibaro Walli Leg light to white.

Could someone can help me?

The lights shall be on between 17:00 and 06:00 and off between 06:00 and 17:00.
So switch on at 17:00 and switch off at 06:00.

WHEN time is 17:00 THEN switch on
WHEN time is 06:00 THEN switch off

It is so simple?
Thank You :slight_smile:

Yes it is, just a matter of rephrasing your thoughts :grin:

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