Philips Motion Sensor

In my Philips hue Bridge the Philips motion sensor and the aggregated lamps activated qickly after detecting a motion (almost instantly, max. after 500ms the lights were turned on). Now with linking in the the motion sensor (via Philips Hue app) and connected the lights direcly to Homey Pro I have a delay of like 3 seconds.
This is a bit annoying as the hallway where I use the setting is dark and when you qickly enter you need light instantly.
Does anyone have an idea what can be the problem there?

Here is the flow:

Thanks for your help

In my experience the Philips Hue lights respond faster when connected to Philips Hue Bridge and not Homey. Homey seems to have a problem sending lots of commands to lots of devices and would miss some devices, obviously if you have one light this may not matter but if you have lots of Hue lights, I have nearly 80, then it becomes a bit hit and miss. The Hue hub doesn’t have this problem. If the sensor is connected to Homey then Homey can react quickly and activate a Hue Scene that you have named in the Hue app on your phone, not the Hue app in Homey. Response is fast, certainly faster than 3 seconds. I love being able to use Homey to apply logic to how the sensor operates

So the sensor is connected to the Hue Bridge but the lights are connected to Homey? If so, then the delay is probably caused by the Hue app for Homey, because it uses polling (periodically asking the Bridge if it detected motion). I believe the polling interval is 2 or 3 seconds.

Yes, the motion sensor ist still connected to the physical Hue Brigde which Homey Pro has access to. So I should try to directly connect the motion sensor to Homey Pro and try again.

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Yes, you can try with the “Philips Hue, without the Bridge” app.

I did it. Now it seems to be only like 1 or 1,5 seconds. It’s faster already. Still not the same speed like in the former native Hue Bridge setup.

Thanks a lot, Robert!

Just what I noticed about Homey delays:
It takes Homey 3 or more seconds to switch a light on, while using Tuya Wifi devices.
The funny/odd thing is, they respond instantly using the Tuya phone app and using Home Assistant.

Both Homey and HA use the same Tuya IoT cloud API, so that can’t be the culprit.

There are different Tuya cloud API’s I think, Home Assistant uses the official one, which is relatively new. I don’t know which API the Homey app uses.

Jurgen has updated the Tuya Cloud app recently, Robert.
I already had a Tuya IoT account created for use with HA, and after providing those credentials to the new “official API” part of the Tuya Cloud settings page, it instantly found all my Tuya stuff.

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After some testing now it seems like the situation isn’t so much better. The delay is still very long. Does anyone still have an idea?

How do you guys set up a light with motion sensor control?

But can I use that Tuya App for my Hue motion sensor? I’m a bit confused.

No, I’m sorry, I just wanted to point out Homey somehow seems to slow things down in some way with other apps / brands too.

It’s not Hue related I think.

I am not completely sure what the use case is here.
a. Hue lights with Hue motion sensor have great results when both connected to the Hue bridge as you found.
b. If you want to control other lights or Hue lights within a flow with a motion sensor, then read on.

I tried various options about a year ago. Unless something has changed, I found that the best response times were achieved like this:

  1. Connect Hue motion sensor and Hue lights to Philips Hue, not Homey
  2. When connecting the motion sensor, do not complete setup (see screenshot) of the Hue lights it controls.
  3. Import lights and motion sensor into Homey

This way the motion sensor can be used to control other lights (Fibaro, etc) or to add flow control to Hue lights. Response time a little less than lights controlled by the Hue bridge, but acceptable.

Let me know if you think this is better or worse than the “Philips Hue, without the Bridge” app :slight_smile: