Problem with Philips Motion Sensor

Har laget en flow (se bilde) som virker, men det er et problem. Nå en person har aktivert sensor, så starter timer som er satt til 10 minutter. Alt OK, men når denne personen går ut etter f.eks. 8 minutter og neste person kommer inn, så slukkes lyset etter 2 minutter. Sensor aktiveres ikke på nytt og timer starter ikke igjen på 10 minutter delay.

Dette problemet hadde jeg ikke når jeg brukte Philips HUE Bridge. Noe som har et forslag til løsning eller er dette et problem i Homey Pro 2023?

"I have created a flow (see picture) that works, but there is a problem. When a person activates the sensor, a timer starts which is set for 10 minutes. Everything is OK, but when this person leaves after, for example, 8 minutes and the next person comes in, the light turns off after 2 minutes. The sensor is not activated again and the timer does not restart with a 10-minute delay.

I did not have this problem when I was using the Philips HUE Bridge. Does anyone have a suggestion for a solution, or is this a problem in Homey Pro 2023?"


Maybe this is a useful example for a motion driven light (from this post):

To translate the flowcards:

Not sure if this is the solution? I didn’t understand it. What I want is for the timer to start with 10 minutes each time the sensor is activated.

This flow keeps the light on, as long as motion is detected.
The timer duration is set to the time you like for the light to stay on.

I still use HUE Bridge, but for other reasons, I want to be able to turn the lights off using Homey.

I had same issue as you - my solution was to add and use the Countdown app!

  • so create multiple instances (you can do it in the same flow like me).
  1. Motion detected > turn on the lights. > stop Countdown “x”
  2. Motion turned off > start a Countdown “x”
  3. if Countdown “x” reaches 0 > turn off lights

So in essence, you don’t want a timer to start when the motion detector is active (a person enters the room), rather, you want it to start the timer when the motion sensor is inactive.

The solution was to use Zone instead of Motion Sensor

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Takk Bjørn Are!