OR function

so this should work right?

Yes. You could it even more sophisticated by adding an 3 flow:
WHEN humidity gets less than 50%
AND ventilator is on
THEN switch off ventilator

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No, if it’s become lower the 50% then ventilator stopped only on 20:01

If it’s >50% AND it’s 11:00-20:00 THEN ventilator ON. That is the blue line.
On the yellow line bij the 50% cart comes ventilator OFF. Even it’s between 11:00-20:00

Then on 20:01 cart for ventilator OFF.

Look post 12

When the vent has started during day time, you want to stop it as soon as humidity is lower than 50%. And not wait till 20:00. So there shall be a third trigger.
And although it might be possible to combine flows, there is nothing wrong starting with 3 flows. As that is easier to understand for all.

I think we talk about different versions of the flow, as in the last flows posted there is no yellow line.

Post 12 uses another graphical presentations of logic, or has something gone wrong?

Many thanks, now I changed it. I am not shure if the 50% is absolut or if that mean that the humidity changed with 50%.

One antother question to the experts. I have a electrice price by the hour and photovoltaic on the roof. No I would like that the dryer for exaple only runs when the electricity is cheap (for exemple below 30 cent) or the PV storage has more than 1 KW. If the price is hight or not enough electrisity saved the dry should by of. I did folowing flow andit seams that the dryer is on even when the price is high and not enough electrisity saved. What is wrong with my flow?

You make the same mistake again and again. Why?
Remove the AND cart. Two events in a AND cart will NEVER start the flow. So the dryer is never switched off.:disappointed_relieved:

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Hello Rmb,

sorry this flow I did some weeks ago an I did`t changed ist after your helpful message. Now it should be ok or?


The dryer turns on as soon as the electricity is cheap, or as soon as enough energy is stored. That seems logical to me.

But the dryer is switched off when electricity is cheap, although there might still be enough energy stored. If you don’t want that, you have to test if there is little energy stored.

And when the dryer is switched off when there is no more energy stored, the electricity might still be low. So there you have to test if energy is high.

Beside what @Rmb write.

The “Current price is below 0.3” card is an different one (AND) then the “Current price wird mehr als 0.3” card (If).
The 1st can be used for On an Off switching.
Then when the price = 0.3 is no problem any more.
The same for energy stored = 1kWh. Noting is happen then.

If you can use the And type card for energy storage there, use the ON an Off on that card also.

This topic has been closed and unlisted because the topic owner didn’t update his German posts even after several reminders.

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