Hey Guys,
i know that (at least) some of you have already heard about the YIO Remote (i mentioned it in the Slack Channel as well as a German Offtopic Post).
If it is of interest for you, the Kickstarter Pre-Launch site is available and the Campaign will start next Week. If you like to talk about it or follow, you are welcome to do so.
In case you wondering, what this has to do with Homey, one guy here ( named @Niels ) has already made an app for Homey to connect and use the YIO Remote together with Homey, he is also involved in the current development.
If you like to have more Information, you can use the following Links to do so: Kickstarter Page YIO Homepage YIO Community Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube
As this Topic may not be welcome here, it can be copied to proper Category or may be deleted / closed! But i would like to have a feedback about it
I really like the idea behind it!
However I think the price will be a little high for me so I hope there will be an cheaper version without most of the sensors and maybe an cheaper touchscreen to keep the cost down
the Kickstarter is allready half (almost) fullfilled after 6 hours, either me or marton had expecting such great feedback. I think you definitly should spy on the Provided Links. Maybe also the Kickstarter is only the beginning of a longer story.
Thanks for all Backers and interested people, as well as in the name of Marton!
Due to the small amount of units that are requested in earlier polls, this price is calculated without earnings for the founder (i will copy the original reply to this question as reference):
Martonheute um 12:54 Uhr Discord Channel #updates
With low quantities comes a higher price. It was calculated based on the feedback I got from people who were interested in building one. I wish I could do a better price, but even with this, I am not really earning on the project. Just want to get the kit to those who want one.
Bin gespannt.
Apropos. Ich rate jedem die nicht im Set enthaltenen Bauteile insbesondere den Raspi Zero W und Akku jetzt zu ordern. Einige Shops haben schon leere Lager, da China aus den bekannten GrĂĽnden Lieferprobleme hat.
Ich habe eben eine Stornierung des Raspi Zero W ohne Stiftleiste von Reichelt bekommen.
Ist nicht mehr lieferbar.
Conrad gibt im Moment an, noch 12 StĂĽck zu haben. Ich wĂĽrde am Rad drehen, wenn die Fernbedienung aufgrund des Raspis dunkel bleiben wĂĽrde.
Conrad hat die Lieferung bestätigt. Sollen nächste Woche kommen. Die Akkus haben im Moment 4 bis 6 Wochen Lieferzeit. Passt soweit alles. Ich muss im Doppelpack denken, da ich noch für einen befreundeten Homeyaner eine weitere YIO zusammen baue.
If you could please keep the conversation in English as much as possible, then more people will be able to participate and help you. If you would rather not or can’t communicate in English then please check out Non-English boards at
It is almost shipping Time. Today the last missing part arrived at Initiators Place, he need to validate everything and pack it into each package and then it will happening!
Marton and myself will be doing a LiveStream tomorrow to assemble the YIO. You can follow us under the following Youtube Stream:
You can also send over questions and chat with us via the Chat tomorrow. Shipping out the Kits are nearer then ever. Today i have received my Pledged package, he send it a bit ahead so the Livetream can be made and as well as testing the Packaging and chekcing if everything will arrive in a good condition. You can totaly look forward to receive yours (HINT: check you Kickstarter Mail Inbox to be notified about something great coming )