De app ONECTA Daikin works flawless in Homey: thanks for the maker.
The coupling with Google Home works only to change the temperature.
The commands ON/OFF, ventilator speed, cooling, heating etc. are not recognised. “It seems that the device is not recognised at the moment. You can do this via the Assistant”.
Has someone a solution for this? Especially for the ON/OFF.
Many thanks.
You can create virtual switches, which starts flows which control ON/OFF, ventilator speed, cooling, heating etc.
Those virtual switches appear in GHome, and this way you can control what you want via GHome and Homey.
Oh, stupid me! Thanks a lot Peter.
Hmmm… Is the sync switch still enabled? It turns itself off after x days here.
To force changes yell: hey doodle ‘synchronise devices’
The sync is not my solution apparently!
For now I am satisfied with the virtual device from Peter. He has therefore my thanks.
Hello, since one week Google most of the time repsonse with: it looks like the device has not bin set op yet. before it worked perfectly fine.
I tried:
Restart homey
Restart onecta app
Syncing all my devices
I still can control the airco units with the Homey app. De Google app still shows the devices and sync in Homey is turned on.
Can anyone help?