Daikin One Touch Thermostat Setup

Hi All,

Just started getting all my devices set up in Homey and I am having trouble figuring out how to get my Daikin Smart Thermostat to connect (https://daikincomfort.com/products/heating-cooling/single-zone/heatpumps/daikin-one-touch)

The official Daikin apps seem to only support mini-splits so I am wondering if someone has a workaround solution?

I can not really help you with One Touch, but I use the Daikin Onecta App, and make use of network/wifi interfaces on my Daikin devices (Altherma 3, FTX35e) for automation and use the thermostat only for the ˵installer settings˶ which are not available in the App.

Hi Ruurd,

Unfortunately the Onecta App seems to not be available in North America (my thermostat uses the Daikin One Home App).

It seems that while Homey supports the European Daikin products (and most mini splits) they do not support the Daikin One Touch thermostat. It is possible there is a third party tool but I have yet to find it in my searching. Really hoping this gets resolved as one of my primary intended uses with Homey is to use smart thermostats to set routines to adjust the heat/cooling in my home since Daikin does not support remote temperature sensors

Thank you for your update CCKMA. Unfortunately that these global differences forces home-automation to take different paths. I did not runover a third party tool so far.

Hope you can solve this.