Unless I’m missing something, it looks like there is no native logging available in Homey. How are people supposed to troubleshoot issues with flows without any basic logging available (Flow X started)? I’m not talking about full blown debug logging, just an option for very basic (in-memory) logging would help a lot for troubleshooting/tracking.
Just coming from Mi Home and Hubitat and I really like the overall Homey experience (especially the brand new web app!), but things like that are quite an unpleasant surprise. I’m not too keen on installing a community app + adding cards to all my flows to know what is happening.
Thanks for the suggestions, I am using Simple Log already. I really believe this should be native functionality of Homey, at least a Log option similar to “Simple Log” in flows so at least we can add some logging.
[Update] I just noticed that you can use the “Timeline” card to add a log line to the timeline on the main page of the app!