No IR/RF learning capabilities? What is even the point then?!?

Been considering this as my one hub, as it “supposedly” has all the bells and whistles. Then I realized that 433mhz and IR functionality does not mean the same as in a Broadlink. You can’t actually automate your TV, AC or outlets? What the shit!?! That’s the least I would expect in a €450 smart hub!

What’s next? Does it even detect Zigbee devices, or does it only work with selected brands with a recently updated app?

What reason should I choose a Homey over something else. What makes it worth a sixth of my paycheck compared to other smart homes?

Is there any plan to implement this highly necessary feature, or do I need a Broadlink for this all inclusive experience?


No Homey is not what you want, it hates negative people.


Thank you for your most informant reply. I appreciate your attempt at bringing nuance and depth to the conversation.

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But why do you post your amusing story here? This is a user forum. You’d write to Support instead

And yes, you can make your life complete by adding an very expensive €15,- RF/IR blaster. Thats great isn’t it?
(Pssst, Broadlink is not working on a Pro 2023).

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Homey has quite exntensive DB of IR codes, about few thousands if I’m not mistaken

I don’t want to offend anyone, but one question here in the forum would have been enough to answer these questions.
Homey has never been able to learn infrared or 433 Mhz signals. For infrared there is a database and 433 Mhz devices need an app.
433 Mhz in particular is a dying radio standard. It has neither a long range, cannot be repeated, nor does it provide any feedback as to whether the switching operation was actually carried out.
You should consider this before investing more money in 433 Mhz.
If you buy the above-mentioned RF/IR blaster for a few euros, you won’t have to fret any longer and will get one of the best Smart Home systems with Homey.

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If you look at it like that, why are they using it in their advertisement…
Or why even bother to include it in your product? ah … because it IS widely used etc etc …
Even tho the rest of the homey is okay, there’s no reason not to mention the elephant in the room.
Stop making it personal and if you have the knowledge to make an app, put your energy into that and make it the advertised product that athom refused / can’t make it.

And just as a lot of people, i too want to send/read raw IR/433Mhz signals. … the hardware/advertisement is there for a reason i’d say

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Ok, I understand.
Then you’ll just have to keep getting angry instead of spending a few euros and having peace of mind.

Please note, however, that 433 Mhz with rolling codes cannot be taught to any Smart Home Hub that I know of. They only work with their own remote control.


There no word from

I think i know why his name is d-pression… :innocent:

Seriously, if ir learning really is your most necessary feature and you are certain that a broadlink works, buy one. Then there is indeed no reason to buy a Homey.

if all you wanna do is let a light blink, get hue, that’s more stable… … it’s not the point what you want to do with the device, it’s advertised right? So to use it, but more equipment to ignore the advertisement?
I see why people are fed up with the same question, but see the fault athom is making and stop trying to make it right by buying other stuff

To get my IR codes I use a Philips Pronto and Pronto-Edit software. What I find more disappointing is that you have to create a (rather complex for beginners) app to use the discovered IR codes. It would be a big improvement already if there was a flow-card that could send IR codes (or is there?).

Honestly I’m with the OP. They heavily advertise IR functionality but there isn’t even the capability to add any IR device. One is heavily dependent on the provided list of IR devices. For me personally Homey is not able to control 70% of my IR devices. What a win. On top of that, there is not even the ability to custom send IR signals so you cannot record them with another device and just send them. And no, I’m not custom building an app for that, I’m not a programmer and I didn’t spend 450$ on a device to custom so everything myself. Could’ve gone with a raspberry and HA for 1/4 of the costs.