Niko double switch turn on/off quickly

I have Niko zigbee switches “for traditional wiring” throughout my house and that all works very well.
But I was testing a double niko zigbee switch in my garage, and I noticed when I rather quickly (<1s between toggles) switch the light on/off using the app or using the webpage, then I get “network request timeout” messages pop up. It also results in the light going on/off multiple times, MORE times than I actually pressed the switch for the device in the app/web-app.
Anyone can confirm they have or have not gotten this behaviour or is it normal that you can’t do that so quickly? The first few times the on or off behaviour of the switch is instantanious so there is no delay between clicking on the webpage and the real lightswitch turning off.
Thanks for any support,
Best regards

I removed and added both the switch devices, so the one for the left and the one for the right button, and re-added it again. Then had to update my flows again, but now both buttons work fast to have a sort of double click(on-off-on within 2s actually).