New ZOOZ App and ZEN17 Universal relay


I was excited when I found that Home now had added an app for ZOOZ devices.

As I have had two ZEN17 for months without being able to add them to my Homey environment I rushed to power them up and paired.

Both ZEN17 were brand new and newer opened. The hardware is ver. 1.0 and firmware is version 1.04.

Both first and second step of the pairing were acknowledged and I proceeded to entering the 5 digit Z-wave DSK PIN. 5-10 seconds after submitting the PIN an error message popped up: “Something went wrong when communicating with the device. Please try again.”

Of course I tried again, several times - and with different distances from the Homey Pro hub to the ZEN17… And I unpacked the second relay too and tried with that, but to no avail. The process stopped at the same step for both devices.

How can I proceed and do some troubleshooting here? Please note that I’m a Homey Pro newbie so I need detailed description of what to do…

Thanks a lot if someone can help me get these ZOOZ devices up and running under Homey…

regards Tor

Welcome Tor,

When it’s a battery operated device, make sure to pres the pair pin each 2 seconds or so, to prevent it from ‘sleeping’. Also make sure to hold it just a few centimeters from Homey during the pairing process.
Otherwise, contact the developer here by creating an ‘issue’:

You can find support links like this, at the store app page (Issues: Report an issue)

Hi Tor,
instead of the original PIN, try to use 5 times zero = 00000.
This means that the device will be included unsecure, but this has the advantage that it has to send less data.

Even if this works, you should contact support.


What you can also try out: Restart Homey, wait about 15-30 minutes and then add the device.

It worked when using five zeros as DSK ID!!

However I understand that now the device’s communication is not encrypted?

Also I see that the two dry contact inputs are not listed in the Homey Zooz app. I badly need these too in conjunction with the two relay switches…

Anyone else having succeeded in adding a ZEN17 in secure mode with all expected properties published in the Homey ZooZ app…?

Yes, but does it really matter?
In order to access the Z-Wave devices externally, special hardware is required and the person must be within range of the Z-Wave signal.
However, Homey, and therefore the entire system, can be accessed from China, if someone wants to.

Can you please post a screenshot of the capabilities of the ZEN17, which are listed in Developer Tolls → Devices?

Here is the capabilities of the main unit (which switches BOTH relays ON/OFF).

Relay 1 and 2 have separate capabilities so we can operate each of them separately.

However there is no trace of input properties. In the manual you see there are both dual inputs and timers…

best regards Tor

Can you post a screenshot of the capabilities of one of the two relays please.

You see the relay capability in the above black screenshot. Here is the capability for Relay 2 (exactly the same):

But you wrote:

And the capabilities von Relay 1 are not visible in the screenshot.

However, if I understand you correctly, at the moment it’s only possible to switch the entire Universal Relay on or off, which also switches relays 1 and 2, correct?

Theoretically, it should be possible to “clone” the Universal Relay including the 2 relays with the Device Capabilities app. For that you have to create a so called Advanced Virtual Device with this app.

Device Class: Other (Default)

Create button
Name: Universal Relay (e.g.)
Create a real field and flow cards: :ballot_box_with_check:
Show as: On/Off
Symbol: whatever
Reflect: Devices (choose the UR)
Property: On/Off of the UR
React (set properties): :ballot_box_with_check:

Create button
Name: Relay 1 (e.g.)
Create a real field and flow cards: :ballot_box_with_check:
Show as: On/Off
Symbol: whatever
Reflect: Devices (choose the UR)
Property: On/Off of Relay 1
React (set properties): :ballot_box_with_check:

Create button
Name: Relay 2 (e.g.)

Hope I made no mistakes.
If you have questions about creating this AVD, you can ask in this topic:

Even if it works with an AVD you should contact the app developer as already suggested by @Peter_Kawa.

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Sorry I must have expressed myself unclearly. English is definitely not my mother’s tongue.

First I had problems with pairing/registering the ZEN17 but that went fine after I tried 00000 as DSK ID. The device registered its three properties/capabilities ZEN17, RELAY 1 and RELAY 2 as expected. But its two dry contact INPUTS never appeared, and I have tried to request how to find or make these two appear since then. I didn’t understand why you needed to see the relay capabilities but I posted screenshot and kept commenting that there were no input ‘properties’ to see.

Despite that the ZEN17 device in the ZOOZ App only expose these three ‘output’ ‘properties’ and not the two ‘input’ properties would it be a chance that the (or any) developer may add the ‘missing’ inputs in the app later or is it a hardware restriction prohibiting this…?

… and I have contacted the developer via github…

Yeah, looking at the flowcards for the ZEN17, there’s nothing available for the inputs…

BTW the same problem was issued 2 months ago already as I just found

The dev Leendert responded with:

Mine neither

I tried this with the Capabilities app. If the dry contacts had only been available as “Capabilities”, i.e. not in the device tile, not as a flow card and not as a tag, then it would have been possible to implement this with the app.

The app developer should be able to add the two inputs, because it’s a Z-Wave device and the code is standardized.

That is not relevant. The App Store does not always list all the Flow cards that are available in Homey.


Adding my findings here instead of starting my own duplicate thread - I am having the same issue(s) with the Zen17 relay. Unable to connect securely using the PIN. Insecure connection works but I am using this to control a border device so having an encrypted connection is important.

I sent a request to Zooz support and this is what they said:

We have confirmed this is an integration issue on the Homey side; we have sent them another updated unit to complete the integration on the hub side, however, we are waiting for their team to complete the integration.

Device manufacturers like Zooz can provide feedback and requests regarding functionality and integration, and we will also forward all of our customer comments and notes to their team but unfortunately, we have no access to the Homey platform to influence the shape of the integration in any way, nor affect their timeline for a resolution. This is one of the challenges around making end devices for third party platforms and supporting them, since each product is really a little different depending on which platform it’s connected to. Zooz is committed to working with Homey to request more advanced support for Z-Wave devices so that ultimately, Homey users can enjoy all of the capabilities of Z-Wave products, not only from the Zooz brand.

So basically, Zooz is pointing the finger at Athom. I’m not sure where the actual blame lies - the Zooz Homey app is supposed to be managed by Zooz, as is the firmware on the device, so it seems likely to be in their camp. But I have run into bugs in the low-level Z-Wave drivers that Athom provides, so there could be an issue on their end that is causing the bug. Clearly the Homey Pro can connect securely to other S2 Z-Wave devices, and the Zooz Zen17 can connect securely to other Z-Wave hubs, so it’s frustrating that they can’t play nicely together.

First of all I’m not a programmer and I have not enough experience about Z-Wave devices and how they work. Some of the following comments are assumptions.

The Homey Pro (early 2023) uses the 700 Z-Wave chip which supports the S2 security standard. This is also what you can read in the Homey Apps SDK documentation.:


If I understand the part in the documentation correctly, then a code should be added to the driver file of each supported device within the app.
Unfortunately, the code of the ZOOZ app is not publicly available on Github (link), otherwise it might have been possible to check whether this code is included.

However, as the ZOOZ app isn’t programmed by Athom, you should contact the app developer directly.

In addition, you could also inform Athom about ZOOZ’s willingness to develop its own app.