Hi, I have searched the forums, so apologies if this has already been answered as it seems like a standard problem…
I bought the Homey Pro and set a few standard things up (lightbulbs etc.) knowing that I would change my wifi network within the coming months.
After changing the wifi network I connected my homey to the new network. For most devices it works. However for wifi and matter controlled bulbs it does not (ikea and wizz).
I tried to re-add these bulbs but I cannot. Homey already thinks that it is connected to the light bulbs, even if I remove these from Homey. I get the error that Homey is already connected to the bulb/device, yet I cannot connect to it. Does anyone know a way around this? If I changed the IP address of homey and then reset the bulbs I believe it would work, but this seems like a crazy way to do it!
To be clear I can reset the bulbs (so that they are flashing), but when they connect with Homey I get an error that the device is already connected.
Thanks for your help (p.s. I already contacted Homey support but after 14 days of waiting I don’t hold much hope that I will get a response!!!)
Thanks, I have the newer Homey Pro though, and I can connect to the new WiFi no problem. I just cannot reconnect devices that were connected to the old WiFi as they are already ‘connected’ to Homey, so they are not new devices.
I have managed to figure out that the device is definitely not listed in the developer tools, but still thinks that it is connected to my Homey. What would you suggest to do now?
Is there some API that I could write to try and find the device? I think that I know the ip: , mac address and model name. Unfortunately I’m not very good with this level of code…!