New to Homey - sort of

Ha - good to know the Jamie Peake aligns with user Jamie :slight_smile:

Even better to know Group App not abandoned :slight_smile:

The links on the Group App page Support - Having an issue with this app? Contact the developer here. you get a Github 404 error. :frowning:

Screenshot 2022-08-09 at 12.37.14

Just getting started with Group but looks extremely promising - so thanks

There’s another (working) link to a dedicated forum topic too.

Two reviews from different people - which are identical? I also never had anyone reach out to me with this issue. . .

The review systems for Athom is pretty broken, makes you want to give up.

@Jamie Also these two links are not working.


Please report all issues, bugs, enhancements and features here :

See the complete change logs here :

Jamie - I meant no harm, I am trying to find my way around Homey and this was just one of the tripping points along the way.

Once aware of who is who and what is what it gets better but I am still pin balling between Homey App and Homey Web App to work out how to favourite something or be able be create graphs laying on top of each other.

I will figure what part of which functionality sits where and it will all get easy, it is a lot to take on and I have run into a few Apps Athom and others that do not behave as advertised, add to that Homey throwing a few wrenches - Can’t add new Apps/ Apps unloading on their own, etc etc and for a noob like me hard to work out where the issues are including me just getting mixed up with what lives where.

That said I am enjoying it and I love the Advanced Flows, very Node Red like :-). Bit by bit migrating everything across.

No harm taken :slight_smile: while I am still around, I do not participate as much as I used to and this is simply because the ‘bleeding edge’ days are over. Today Homey ‘just works’ is reliable and has the features/stability we used to wait for with anticipation.

I hope you are enjoying migrating everything across, in my experience is it much easier / less manual then any other system.

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