New Pro order generates over hundred order confirmations!

I guess that you already know that if you pre-order the new Homey Pro - you are spammed with order confirmations with the same order number.

Now over a hundred confirmations (and counting). If several hundred (thousands) order the new Pro and each get over a hundred confirmations - I understand why your systems are on its knees!

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Oh, so you’re the one getting all of our confirmation e-mails. :slight_smile:
I have not received any confirmation at all yet, order placed and paid around 2 hours ago.

Edit: Just got a confirmation e-mail. And order is now marked as “processing” instead of “waiting for payment”


Not for all.
I ordered a new Pro, just before was announced that pre-order was open.
The site was already a bit busy by then it seemed, but after a unsuccesfull order, I managed to place an succesfull order, including a succesfull payment by iDeal (Netherlands).
Just got one order confirmation by email and one Welcome-to-the-early-access email.

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Busy but successful order and confirmation early access program received half hour ago.

could you send me mine then as well lol
Ordered and hope everything worked out

Ordered one just after the keynote. Payment successful (via Paypal) but status ‘waiting for payment’ and no confirmation yet.
Just sent a support ticket. I trust that they will fix it, only hope they don’t put me back in the queue :frowning:

Just noticed the message in the upper-right corner.

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I wish they would let us know on which position in the que my order is.
Maybe thats something they let us know in the upcoming weeks.

And I’m curious how many are already ordered…

Don’t think so, as the order will change by the number of Homey Pro’s bought by developers.

I received only 8 order conformations btw. :blush:

Seeing order numbers, they seems to be incremental. So if we share our order numbers, we should be able to see the position in the queue ? Mine is 51350 !

Just got my confirmation.

48509 :sweat_smile:

That would mean more than a million in turn over in a few hours. :sunglasses: But then again; this is all orders. Also Advanced Flow, a Bridge or any other thing. Still they did great tonight it seems.

#57718 at 23.12 pm - 12 oct

I had a extra web page open with their store and updated the content several times a minute during their presentation.

First indikation was when just as they had announced the new Homey Pro and started to talk about the features - the old Pro was taken down from the store. Later - at about 19.15-ish o’clock - the new Pro appeared and I ordered as soon as I could + a PayPal-login - which earned me the order# around #47800-ish.

No sure indikation on where in the que I ended up - but doubt that there was 47000 people who ordered before me. :wink:

Ouch ! More than 2800 orders within 30 minutes ! I ordered ÂŤmine at 19h33.
I hope they have an high rate manufacturing line as I already sold my current homey pro ! Btw, will we have a way to upload all our previous flows to our new homey pro ?

I think they didn’t started at #1 but the ordernumber from a whole year like an invoicenumber

Looking at the numbers they probably are skipping some numbers between orders. Otherwise they would have sold 10k units already.

@blutch32; unfortunately not possible to transfer the flows. For now it looks like you’d have to start from scratch.

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@Martijn_C and @blutch32

Actually, that is not completly correct.

With The Flow Exchange(r) (TFE) - Exchange Your Flows with Others! from the Device Capabilities App voor Homey | Homey you can completly export your own flows from your older model to your new model.

During import, all old devices will show lists of compatible devices on your new homey.

You can then select the device on your new homey, which would have the same name i guess.
After that a script is created to recreate all your flows (including variables and stuff like that).
Also, internal references to flows itself are already correctly by TFE.
And many apps are supported by it.

Personally i already use it a lott to copy/paste complex flows which are the same for all (bed)rooms but with different devices, changing it during import.

Now, currently, it only supports advanced flows, but i’ll change that so it will include normal flows (which is almost done already).
Also, recreation of flow-folders will be included, as will other requirements needed to copy the complete flows from an older Homey to a newer Homey.

Sounds good! But it all only succeeds when there’s an easy way to import all my devices.

By the way; if you can do this, Athom should be able to create a solution too, no? :wink:

Indeed, for me this is also an issue: i have about 70 z-wave device, nicely put behind walls and stuff. I can get to every one, but it would take a long time…
And reconnecting all devices, apps, logins, etc, that will be to much work atm for me.

But the recreation of the flows is not the current issue i guess for Athom.
The could easily create a way to import/export the flows.

But, a lott of apps will be have to be rewriten/updated first!
And there are some big changes, not being able to use the /userdata folder for instance.

If you have created Virtual Devices or Advanced Virtual Devices and have used a custom icon, that one is placed in the userdata folder.
So, on the new Homey 2023, how are you gonna import the device itself?
If you do, it will miss it icon. And, at least, currently, there is no way to change the location of the icon of an existing device.
And if there is no path available to write to, how would you migrate te icon? To where?

Not being able to migrate (right now at least) has more to do with Apps that need big changes, and devices that will not work the same, then with a few flows with specific references in it.
(Not to undermine the work done in building The Flow Exchange(r) :wink:).

One problem why currently migration would not be possible: It’s not about what’s new in Homey Pro Early 2023, but what’s gone:

  • userdata folder
  • speaker
  • customisable(-by-apps?) led-ring
    These changes (and a few others) makes that a lot of apps cannot curently be migrated.

Also, currently, a lot of Apps are still using SDK2.
And it’s about time Athom removed that from the new Homey’s. Everyone wants Homey to be improved, but that requires App developers to update the apps when Athom develops improvements to the SDK.
If we, the App Developers, don’t update our stuff, a lot of the time, efforts made by Athom to improve Homey, is mostly wasted.
I think that a lott of people might actually notice (older) Homeys (Apps) running more smoothly after apps update to SDK3 (depending on the App ofc).


THIS was a shock to my brain just now! :sob: One of the coolest features that have made me “sell” the homey concept to many friends with it´s “eyes”. I must have missed this in the presentation and text. Is it said to not support it hardware-wise (ever) - or sort of just not yet implemented into the firmware/system?

What a disappointment… :pleading_face: