Netatmo Welcome set person home

Is it possible to add the possibility to manually set a person to home on the Welcome Netatmo from the Homey app? On the API documentation it seems possible to use the “setpersonhome” command but it isn’t implemented. Is there some other way to do that not using the Netatmo Homey app?

Thank you in advance

Here is the api I was referring to, the problem is that an autentication is needed and it mus be added to every http request:

curl -X POST

"" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxx"

Reqest URL

I know my home_id, person_id, client id and client secret but I can’t figure how to make a simple request to manually set a person to home…

A few years later… did you figure out a solution?

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I gave up personally myself on this but would be nice to fully control Netatmo, including presence. You could make feature request to Athom (I’m waiting for them to fix something just for 9 months)…but if you are skilled enough, there should be possible workaround with :


and Netatmo Connect | Authentication and calling Netatmo API Specification

But no idea how it should looks like in real live, someone who is familiar with Webhooks would know immediately.

I simply switched to home assistant and found how to do this task with it

Hm ok, up to now I want to avoid going down another rabbit hole :wink: