TL;DR: I’m about to return my Homey Pro and would actually really like for someone to tell me that I’m either wrong or had an abnormal experience. So, this is not a rant, but more like a “please tell me I’m wrong, so I won’t return the Homey and go back to my HomeKit-platform”…
I think it’s fair to ask the following question: when investing in a Homey to solve a problem, how many NEW problems should the user accept by doing this?
Last week, I bought a Homey Pro because I’ve had Philips Hue for many years and recently got the Tado X radiator devices and wanted to try out the “smart home thing” - especially because I wanted to add other brands (Aqara, Shelly etc.) into ONE platform, specifically to add a humidity controlled air humidifier.
Honestly, it has been much more frustrating and time-consuming than I had ever imagined, even though I’m a “tech geek” and have even been working in IT support for many, many years.
First impression: WOW, the Homey Pro is a lot of money just to add this functionality so I took it as a sign that it was really good and I’m normally always going for the better/premium products because value is more important to me than “bang for the buck”. The installation / initial setup was flawless and it was very easy to find inspiration from tonnes of YouTube videos and this forum
Then …
- “Oh you bought this device? Well, it can’t connect to the Homey.”
- “Oh you want to move this from Hue to Homey? Well, then you will not be getting all these features that you’re used to.”
- “Oh right, Aqara did promise Matter for this device but …”
- “Oh you want super simple things, like gradually fading out lights? Well, then you have to do an advanced flow (that you, by the way, cannot maintain on anything else than your computer and you have to add 200 steps with “-2% decrease” to run through”
- “Oh you want to add a mood? Well, then you can only do it on your smartphone - not on the computer!”
- “Oh, yeah - dashboard is SUPERCOOL - but you want it on the computer as well? Nah, can’t do!”
- “Did you buy a Wiz motion sensor? Yeah, MOST of their products will go right into the Homey Pro but not this one”
- “You have the Hue Tap button? Right, but you see, out of all of Hue buttons/dimmers, THAT specific device can’t be used in Homey!”
To me, it seems like it’s 20% better features than my existing Apple HomeKit, but at an extra 80% work and a lot of money spent and, unfortunately, that it’s quite a “lottery” when buying new devices - if you’re lucky, they work as they say, but probably not.
So yesterday, I decided to return the unit and just go back to Homekit, but just before shipping the box, I thought “this can’t be real - I must have misunderstood something” so I set it up again. Then…
- Couldn’t add my Aqara FP2 again, even though I did exactly the same as yesterday, where it worked (after a lot of fiddling). Resetting everything didn’t help either.
- Wanted to add my Philips Hue back in - removed it from Hue Bridge and now Homey only sees around 50% of the bulbs even though I’ve done all types of resets of the bulbs.
- I wanted to setup a Hue Dimmer for my kids bedroom and normally, top button switches light on/off and bottom button cycles through different scenes/moods but even after asking AI and sifting through YouTube, I didn’t find a solution for this after spending 4 hours.
And again, I’m highly motivated for this and have been “nerding” with IT and gadgets for 20 years and even to me, this is just WAY to time-consuming and frustrating. The Tado app, Hue app etc. are just so much more “plug and play” and you don’t have to spend hours figuring out if a given device will even connect to the Homey.
Seriously, I’ve spent time from 5am today until now (11:30) trying to get things to work. On top of many, many hours Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday as well, even though I only have a total of around 50 devices (Hue, Sonos, Tado, Wiz and Aqara)?!?!
My overall impression is, that Homey Pro is not for people, that just want things to work “out of the box” but instead have it as a hobby / lifestyle, tinkering with devices all the time, finetuning, “geeking out” and spending 3 hours figuring out why the lights turn off even though the motion sensor says “there are people in this room for sure!”.
To me, unfortunately, this is an unexpected let-down, especially at this price point and maturity of the product. As a “newbie” in terms of Thread and Matter, is seems to be a major let-down for now.