I’m looking to replace my old radios with a new system that can play internet radio, spotify, and chromecast. It would be good if this was a multi-room system althoigh we’re used to working with multiple radios so this isn’t a must.
What I find more important is that it are WiFi speakers and multiple speakers that can be combined in one room. (One room is over 80 square meters)
And I would love a system where I don’t need to grab my phone to switch it on/off or change channels.
Regarding the last point, a few weeks ago I accidently stumbled upon a post of a tablet like control center that was compatible with homey that you could use to control lights and music. But I didn’t save it and don’t find it anymore.
For the music system, I was first looking at the Wiim ultra but if I look at WiFi speakers all seem to be smart so I wonder what the advantage of the Wiim is. It seems a bit strange to combine a Wiim with eg. Sonos speakers when you can also use the Sonos speakers standalone and have the same functionalities.
Sorry for this newbie questions. I’m coming from a classic receiver setup, this is all new to me.