Multi room heating with Nest

A Nefit with on/off and only on/off? That must be like 30 years old then?

No 2 years old Nefit comfort Line30 cw6. But it is on off or Nefits own a bus ems technology I. No opentherm

Then u can use the converter.

Can you please specify the exact product name you mean ?

Okay thanks. But what I donā€™t understand is that this device is for Nefits ketel with Nefit Easy thermostat. To convert opentherm to Nefit ems technologie. And with plugwise Adam it is the other way around. Opentherm tot Nefit ems

Posted the wrong link, edited

The link States Met deze converter is het mogelijk om van uw OpenTherm ketel het protocol van gesloten naar open te zetten.

But my Nefit is not opentherm based it is on off

Hierdoor kun je OpenTherm thermostaten zonder problemen aansluiten op je Nefit of BOSCH HR CV-ketel. So from Thermostate to boilerā€¦

I used the same device to make my Nefit work with OpenTherm. The device is the key to convert your in/off boiler to OpenTherm.

Nefit are excellent boilers. But what a shame that they dont widely support openthermā€¦

I ran it on a 10 year old boiler. I needed to add the Easy Control Adapter AND the EMS to OT adapter. And this worked, but consumed a lot of gas. I did not have a on/off boiler.

Checked online and with the boiler-service company.

Replaced the boiler with an Intergas HRE. Now it workes like a charm.