[APP][Pro] Plugwise App by Plugwise [Adam, Anna, Smile P1] [v3.1.0]

Plugwise by Plugwise App - main discussion topic

Main discussion topic to centralize all Questions, Answers and Information around the Plugwise Adam App for the Plugwise Adam Zone control system for underfloor heating, radiators and convectors (www.plugwise.com )


This topic is not actively monitored by Athom. If you have issues with this app, please report it to homey@plugwise.com, mentioning the version of the app + a good description of the issue.

Links and information:

Supported devices

In the app store a list of supported devices is shown with picture and description in the ‘Supported devices’ list. This list is generated by the actual content of the app.
In the readme of the app store, a more detailed list is maintained by the developers, showing the device numbers and the state in which the device has been implemented (e.g. basic support or fully implemented)

Known Issues

Known Issues will be posted below.
Be free to ask and discuss anything around these devices here!

App contribution and co-development:

This app is actively supported by the following developers:


Frequently Asked Questions

Difference between the Plugwise Adam app and the Plugwise Zigbee Support app

There are 2 different apps in the Homey app store providing support for the Plugwise Adam Zone Control (devices).

  • Plugwise Adam app is adding support for the Plugwise Adam gateway.

    • all the devices added to the Adam gateway use an independent Zigbee mesh network
    • heating schedule is controlled by the Adam gateway
    • devices are grouped into zones by the Adam gateway
    • even when the Adam gateway is added to Homey, it will still be able to control / readout the Adam by the Plugwise Home app / web UI.
  • Plugwise Zigbee Support app (by @kasteleman) is adding support for the individual devices (Tom / Floor / Lisa / Plug) to be added to Homey directly. Not using the Adam Gateway

    • All the devices are using Homey’s Zigbee mesh network
    • Logic to combine devices into zones need to be defined in Homey
    • Heating schedule is controlled (only) by Homey

Installation advise

A. Adapter vs batteries

From Plugwise site; note behaviour of the device (router or enddevice) is determined based on the power option (battery or power supply) used during inclusion of the device to the Adam bridge:

The Lisa and Tom work with batteries (minimum service life 1 year), but can also be powered via a USB adapter. Depending on the choice of battery, upon inclusion to Adam, or adapter, it works differently within the ZigBee network.

Power supply via adapter

  • Acts as a ZigBee router.
  • Is always ‘online’ and continuously communicates with other ZigBee modules.
  • Strengthens the signal and the quality of the ZigBee network.
  • Sends signals to connected ZigBee end devices.

Power supply via batteries

  • Acts as a ZigBee end device.
  • Has an energy-saving sleep mode so the batteries last longer.
  • Sends/receives signals to and from connected ZigBee router.
  • ‘Wakes up’ every 7 seconds to receive radio signals.
  • ‘Wakes up’ every 10 minutes to adjust the radiator.*

* If Tom is powered by a battery, it may take up to maximum 10 minutes for all the zones to be heated according to the required adjustments…

If you want to change the behavior, you need to remove the device from Adam, change the power option (e.g. install the power supply) and re-add the device to Adam. Simply adding a power supply to a device added as endDevice will not work.

B. Extending the power supply cable

Plugwise devices are supplied with a USB power adapter and micro USB power cable.
In fact the cable supplied is a 2-wire power cable, that can be easily extended.

Below example shows the extention of the power cable by WAGO 221-412 clamps and a 2-wire (0.8mm2 cable); where the clamps can be fitted inside the battery compartment of the Tom.

Plugwise (unofficially) indicated that the cable should be able to be extended up to 10-15m without issues for the included power supply.

C. Installation sequence

Plugwise Adam uses a Zigbee mesh network (not connected to Homey) to communicate to it’s devices (Tom / Floor / Lisa / Plug). The Zigbee mesh is created by the router devices (power supply); of which the battery powered endDevices can benefit from.

When setting up your Adam Zone control system:

  1. Think about the setup of the mesh first (!); positioning of the devices and possible power options.
  2. Install Adam HA, connect it to your network and update to the latest firmware version
  3. Start with installing your router (power supply powered) devices in order of distance to Adam
  4. Once all routers are added, start with installing your end-devices (battery powered) in order of distance to Adam

D. Setting up the Plugwise Adam app

The Plugwise Adam app is set-up in a modular approach allowing the user to chose which controls and insight need to be added to Homey.

Basic, but still full control over the Adam Zone control system, is provided when only the Zones and Adam (deviceS) are added to Homey. Adding the individual devices (e.g. valves), will add more insights into the functioning of the entire syste,

Below a summary of the implemented options:

  • Adam HA (Central Heater device)
    • Control over the Domestic Hot Water mode (comfort or normal)
    • Showing the state of the Central Heater device (e.g. boiler state, boiler temperatures and error codes)
  • Zone
    • Control over the Thermostat setpoint, Preset of the Zone
    • Showing the state of the Zone (e.g. zone temperature and power usage)
  • Floor & Tom (valve devices)
    • Control over the thermostat setpoint (linked to the Zone it is in)
    • Showing state of the device (e.g. valve position, battery level)
  • Lisa (room thermostat devices)
    • Control over the thermostat setpoint (linked to the Zone it is in)
    • Showing state of the device (e.g. valve position, battery level)
  • Plug
    • Control over onoff state
    • Showing state of the device (e.g. power usage)

Hello I was wonderful if you can use Adam to create a zone and include other thermal valves like spirit zwave?

@Ronald_Schreur Why would you like to combine the Adam with Z-wave thermal valves like the Spirits?
That would mean that you need to create additional logic within Homey linking the different devices…

Main advantage of the Plugwise Adam is that it is a fully regulating system; with the logic build in.
From what I saw in the other topic, if I noticed it correctly, you can connect the Adam to you Nefit heater system, with adding the OT to EMS converter.

Hello Ted,

Because I already have a lot of spirit adapters with z-wave instead of zigbee. So this saves me lots of money for buying new valves. Also I could still use my Nefits easy thermostat.

The whole reason why I started looking for adam is because I like to have an automatic controlled system with no worries about flows and possible scenario

For people interested in the Plugwise Adam; a quite nice offer for a starter kit (Adam, 4x Tom, 2x Lisa):

I don’t have the plugwise solution yet, but i am thinking about it. What i like to know: as adam can see the water pressure and the water temp etc, can you see these things in the plugin?

@akatar The app currently provides quite some data per device:

Central Heating device:

  • Boiler (flame) state
  • (Domestic) Hot Water state
  • Modulation level
  • Intended boiler temp
  • Actual boiler temp
  • Return water temp
  • Boiler state code
  • Boiler error code

Like shown in below screenshot:

The other devices show:

  • temperature
  • setpoint
  • battery value
  • valve position (for the valves)

I think this is the most important data to check the functioning of the zone heating system. If we missed some, let me know.

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How does this app connect to an Adam only setup? via zigbee or wifi?

I’m thinking of upgrading my Heating system by buying the Adam, but i’m not sure if i need the Adam or the Adam HA :slight_smile:
And i’m i able to switch between the normal thermostat settings and the adam temperature setting via this app?


It will connect to the Adam through the Wifi network

looks amazing!

What i also would like to see is the water pressure, so i know when i have to fill the “cv installation”

<type>central_heater_water_pressure</type> <unit>bar</unit> <last_consecutive_log_date>2019-02-20T18:24:16.228+01:00</last_consecutive_log_date> <period end_date=“2019-02-20T18:24:16.228+01:00” start_date=“2019-02-20T18:24:16.228+01:00”> <measurement log_date=“2019-02-20T18:24:16.228+01:00”>1.30</measurement>

and domestic water
<point_log id=“3f7d2be053574751b6a4eb25f69c7e56”> <updated_date>2019-02-20T18:30:08.170+01:00</updated_date> <type>intended_domestic_hot_water_comfort_mode</type> <unit/> <last_consecutive_log_date>2019-01-27T10:00:53.463+01:00</last_consecutive_log_date> <period end_date=“2019-02-20T18:30:08.170+01:00” start_date=“2019-02-20T18:30:08.170+01:00”> <measurement log_date=“2019-02-20T18:30:08.170+01:00”>on</measurement>

is it possible to turn preheating warm water off?

if you want to use lisa’s and tom’s the best choice is ha version (so with zigbee stick)

@akatar you don’t have an Adam, yet you have access to the API interface of a Adam :thinking:

Apparently, my central heater device doesn’t report the central_heater_water_pressure…
But luckily, it also doesn’t leak so I don’t need to refill it (often)…

I’ll see if I can add it to the sensor overview.

Yes, DHW comfort mode can be controlled from within the app / flows.

I wasn’t clear, i own only the adam ha and i use it to see what it can do. i don’t own tom’s or lisa’s yet.
At the moment i am using evohome and i am thinking of using the plugwise solution.

I don’t have the lisa and tom , and not sure if i need them, but maybe the HA is the best option , for future expansion possibilities :slight_smile:


Because Nest will not be compatible with homey anymore after the 31th of august (@&$%!^!^%#~~~) I’m considering to buy another smart thermostat.

The Anna is one of the possicle candidates.

One question about this device; Is there also a motion sensor in it wich can be used as a normal motion sensor in homey to triggers flows with?

I got an email from Homey mentioning to use this app instead of the ‘Plugwise Anna’ app (that isn’t in the store anymore). I installed this app and included my Anna. This is all working.

One thing, I have way less possibilities now with my Anna. It doesn’t show the motion sensor, faultcodes, burner state, etc. anymore. Also I can not set the presets/programs anymore from flows, only the temperature. Will this be added?

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I have the same issue. Now my flows are not working anymore. If the sensors are not added I want the old app back

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@TedTolboom if I use this app with Anna thermostat only (i.e. not Adam) will there be the central heating device with the info you have mentioned in this post?