MQTT Hub/Gateway

Dear Community,

I’ve been contacted through various channels—this forum, GitHub, and personally via WhatsApp, Slack, e-mail and even the Homey Helpdesk—regarding the status of the MQTT Hub app. I want to provide some context why I have been quiet lately.

Regrettably, events during a freelance project for Athom have led me to reassess my involvement with the company. Athom presented me with a difficult ultimatum during this project, resulting in financial setbacks.

Also, a few weeks ago, the Homey helpdesk asked for changes to the MQTT Hub App, which I agreed to, requesting compensation and necessary resources. However, they declined to provide either, only suggesting to make it open source (which it already is).

These events have made it challenging for me to maintain my previous level of engagement and resulted in the loss of all goodwill towards Athom.

Regarding the app, it’s important to note that my Homey is gathering dust in the closet, and I no longer use Homey or the MQTT Hub app myself. Thus, any time I invest yields no personal benefit.

Moreover, the app is not (anymore) accepted by Homey in its current state, making it difficult for me to push updates. This is why there’s still a beta version; attempts to push it live in the past were rejected. This is also the reason why I didn’t put time into merging existing pull requests.

I want to assure you that my intention is not to disparage Athom or cause any negativity. Hence, my prolonged silence and absence of responses on GitHub and this forum.

Considering these events in the past and my current circumstances, I don’t have plans to transfer the app to another developer. My focus is elsewhere, and without adequate resources and compensation, it’s not feasible for me to invest the necessary time and energy into maintaining the app. Ofcourse the app itself won’t go anywhere and can just be used in the current state for now and in the future.

Thank you for your understanding.
