Monitor for power loss/outage. Run a flow when a device is unreachable


I have several smart plugs that report on energy consumption. However, I would like to use Homey to notify me when the power supply for the smart plug is lost. I am using Innr smart plugs.

What is the most straightforward way to do this?

I have tried Device Capabilities, but either it doesn’t work, or more likely, I can’t get it to work.

Many thanks.

You mean when the smart plug goes off because it doesn’t get power, lik unplugged?

It would leave the network (ie zigbee, zwave or wifi)…
Not sure if there is a trigger for it…

Yes, unplugged or loss of power. So unreachable. Device Capabilities suggest it can trigger on unreachable. I can’t make it work, though.

just a thought, could try when energy is “0” And is turned “On” then start a 20 min timer
a 2nd flow when timer finished And energy is still “0” then set logic power is down.

asuming the energy is not usually 0 when its turned on, because when the power goes down, it wouldn’t set the plug in off state. i added the timer to double check that the energy is defanately 0

For zigbee probably not. Homey has no “regard as offline after x hours” setting like zigbee2mqtt has.
Maybe zigbee devices become ‘unavailable’ after a while.

It does trigger on ‘unavailable’, which is not exactly the same

An Innr zigbee plug will probable not become unavailable right away, after power down

My Frient zigbee smokealarm did just that when i reset the device…

Hi John,

What behaviour did you see when that happened, and could it trigger a flow?

Just got a notification in the timeline…
Doesn’t look like there is a trigger for it.

you also get 0 voltage and 0 watt when de plug is just switched off…

But I don’t have Innr, Just Shelly and Frient

You know that resetting and unplugging (/removing power) are two very different things, right?

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Hmm, you’re painfully right…
My fault…