[Modding][HowTo] Guide to Jailbreak a Homey Pro 2023


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Hi, I’m having issues.

Version: 10.1.0
Tried it all I think. The ssh-setup.sh file does not get deleted - that could be a hint.
Any idea of what I’m missing? I’ve disabled wifi - found out that both wifi and lan were connected - thought that was a blocker, but did not seems to be the case.

Using Windows.

Symptom: Connection refused.

The file doesn’t get deleted (it only gets removed from /etc/rc.local so it doesn’t get called with every boot).

And your client is configured to use port 2222?

Yes, I’ve inspected the scripts as well.

I even so far as booting an old Raspberry Pi device and install UI and gparted - but cannot see the drives with Homey Pro connected in recovery mode (could be warnings regarding low voltage - tried to fix that). Found a thread of people being able to extend the drive with this method instead.

I’ve tried to enable ssh experiment, and port 22 is connectable. But dont know the default credentials of ssh experiment so I am not able to maybe through this, expend the USER-drive.

I did copy the same two files rc.local and ssh-setup to both RootA and RootB

You can’t extend the drive from the SSH experiment since it’s basically a Docker container running it.

After installing the files and booting, can you confirm that port 2222 is enabled in /etc/ssh/sshd_config?

Port 2222 is not listed in this file.

Can I add manual?

If it’s not listed in the file, the setup script hasn’t run. Adding the port manually won’t do much good because the rest of the script needs to run too.

Are you sure you placed the files on ROOTA/ROOTB and not BOOTA/BOOTB?

I did expect both set of files in both locations - they are the same and last-edit gets updated.
I will reconnect in recovery mode and see if the files gets modified.

Perhaps I should restore backup and try again.

Since you’re using Windows, make sure files are saved with Unix-style line endings and not Windows-style.

And make sure CHMOD/CHOWN is right

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Update: I’ve now have 2222 activated in RootB-drive, but not i RootA - they should be similar right?

No, one root partition is inactive (firmware updates are installed on the inactive partition and when Homey boots it picks the one with the latest firmware, which also means that with the next firmware update you need to redo the procedure).

Uhhhhh finally got it! Restoring, copy&pasting, more tries, restarts and so fort.
TY for your feedback and support - I kept on pushing!

16 posts were split to a new topic: [HowTo] Investigating Homey’s eMMC wear estimation

Hi spkesDE!

Seems like ‘https://nc.spkes.de/index.php/s/igqeL7bQ6MaFLRH/download/homey.tar.gz’ is down.
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of that file?

