mDNS Advertisement from a Homey App

Hello everyone,

I am trying to develop an app that needs to advertise through mdns, on my machine works, on Homey the record never appears.

Anyone know something the helps?

Thank you

You have to provide more information.

But in general, what’s most important is that your device and Homey are in the same network.

OK, basically I have to make an app to expose the homey devices via matter to other platforms.

I have every device in the same network, I can see the advertsement of homey itself, (_homey._tcp.local).

I know that HomeyKitty works and it needs mDNS also, so I don’t know if there is some limitation.
I’ve tried 3 differents libraries to do it.

Oh I misunderstood, I thought you were looking to discover devices, but you want to make your Homey (app) discoverable.

There shouldn’t be a limitation. Like you said, HomeKitty also uses mDNS (although that’s all handled by the HomeKit library that it uses).

Is your app available on Github or similar, so I can take a look at it?

Not yet, it is starting.

Humm something very very strange, I’ve copy and past code from Homekitty just to figure out what I am doing wrong, doesn’t work.

I just pull the code from HomeKitty, wrote the command npm i and homey app run, guess what doesn’t publish the mdns, however if I install the latest version from the app store it works.

Ah, if you run homey app run the app is running inside a Docker container, which will probably be causing the problem.

Instead, use homey app run --remote to run the app on Homey directly.

Oh, really … I will try

Ok I was checking the homey app run options it it worked with -n host.
I found it faster for development, but the remote option works as nice, but provably is nice to check if works and then do the normal developement with the -n option.

Thank you for the assistance.

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Ah yeah, that would also work :+1:t2: