Since the update last night to 12.3.2 some matter deviced lost connection to my Homey Pro 2023.
I already rebooted my Homey, but the connection still does not work.
Reconnect them also does not work.
Does anybody had this problem.
Yes, one of my Bosch room thermostats which are connected via Bosch Controller and matter left the system. Repair was not possible. A new integration would cause complete reconnect of the Bosch Controller and all connected items and repair of all Flows. Had this some days ago once yet. I think I will replace the Bosch items by other open zigbee things, which are integrated directly to Homey.
YES! Since February 17th I have lost links with several of my devices and it is impossible to make them work again!
However I am stuck on version 12.2.1 and the new version does not install.
Of what, if I may ask?
How do you try to install it?
My U200 lock is now broken was well, another great firmware update…
Glad that i found that thread.
I had a Nuki 4, bound to homey via matter in march 24.
This was rock solid without one failure until December 24.
I guess there was an homey update which produces lots of failures / timeouts with my Nuki. I switched to an U200 and unfortunately this device has the same errors.
I opened a ticket mid January 25 and got my first answer 5 weeks later.
I’ve send 6 logs to the support and all they’ve found was an timeout between home and the U200.