Looking for a SMART-oven

Hi fellow Homey users,

I’m in the market for a new oven and considering buying a SMART oven from Simens.
In that regard, I have a few questions.

  1. Is it worth spending the extra money to buy a SMART oven, what functions do I need that I don’t know I need :slight_smile:

  2. When I google SMART ovens for Homey only one regular oven from Simens shows up. Do you know if there are any other models there talk with homey? And does all Simens with home connect to talk to homey?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards

Here you find all the info

An onboard smoke detector of course.
smoke detected
Turn off oven
Open oven door
Warn the owner

Thanks !
Never tried a smart oven before so all new to me :slight_smile: