LG WebOS better integration

Tried that, but doesn’t work since LG WebOS doesn’t have Chromecast built-in and I’m using native apps to play content.

Managed to get this setup with a little workaround. In absence of in-app status monitoring on WebOS, I just switch to live TV whenever I want to pause/stop playing anything on Netflix/Prime/HBO. This pauses the stream but keeps the app active in the background. With the WebOs+ app you can monitor if the input is switched to LiveTV which serves as a trigger to switch ON the lights. Whenever I switch back to the app (or start it) the lights switch OFF again.

Plex was already setup with start/stop/pause triggers throught the Plex Notifier app.

Obviously the moment in-app status for VOD apps on WebOs comes available as a trigger, I would set it up same as Plex. But for now this works for me.

Hi there, I would love to try out this WebOS+ app, but it doesn’t seem to download to my Homey (either).
I saw on github that the issue happened with others earlier this year. Any updates on this?
@MaxvandeLaar If you need any info from my end that could help pinpoint, I’m happy to help. I’m no dev by any means, though :sweat_smile:

For hcs issues you’d better read this post and replies in this thread:

Hello i´m new at this homey thing and just started to connect my LG-tv to the App LG WebOS, everything works fine except for turning it on.
I have a cable connected to the tv and have also activated “tv on my mobile” anyone know what the problem can be?

Should work… maybe ‘Quick start+’ has to be enabled as well?

I had it enabled and turned the option off/on again. Now it works on the homey app (on/off) and when i say “alexa turn on the tv” she says okey, but nothing happens and off still works well with alexa.

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Ah, I see. I don’t have Alexa :hugs:

I feel like this might be an Alexa/Homey issue as on/off is working in the Homey app.

I came home today and redid everything with the tv, homey and alexa and it works like a charm somehow.
So i´m very happy now :slight_smile:


Lost the connection to my tv through the webosplus app today after changing the ip of my tv. Deleted the tv in the webosplus app, but cannot add anymore. It doenst find any devices.
Anyone has any thoughts on how to resolve this issue?

Did you reserve the Ip on your routers’ dhcp server? Then you should know which one it is.
If not you’ll have to find the IP with a tool like Fing.
The IP has to be entered, app does not search for the IP afaik.

I cannot enter this screen since i am not able to add the device:(
My tv is turned on, but when trying to add a device it states that no new devices are found

This is very odd. The WebOS plus app relies on Homey’s discovery methods for this. So I assume it thinks the device is already added in your Homey. Have you tried to remove the WebOS plus app completely from your homey and reinstall it?

Is the new IP address of the TV in the same network as the Homey?

Tv is on a different subnet as homey, but homey is able to find devices which are on the same subnet as the tv; such as hue and shelly.
No firewall rules are on.

Havnt tried reinstalling the app yet, will try that later.

P.s. This is by far my favorite app on homey, so feel really bad that i cant get it to work anymore:(


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Have placed homey on the same subnet as the tv and i am able to find the tv now! Happy this has solved it.

Thanks for the help!


Glad to hear you sorted it out :+1:

I’m struggling with the ‘advanced settings’ of the TV to get the turn on and off right. It’s says the TV is turning on/off very random. Can someone share his settings that works well with the TV? I’ve a LG GX with a wired internet connection.

Somebody who can share his settings?

This works for me