LG WebOS better integration

i can’t confirm that i have the same tv.

I also have issues with on/off.

My flow has been falsely activated a couple of times now…


@Robert_Larsson @Marco_Dijkstra Could you post a screenshot of your settings in a DM to me?

In general:

Sadly, but obviously, I cannot test all the different kinds of LG tv’s and I have noticed they are not all working the same way as mine. I have 2 LG tv’s (different models) and for one I can use the listen command to detect if the TV is on/off, for the other one I need to poll it via the network every x secs. This means it is really, really, hard to debug these kinds of issues and my suggestion is to enable the polling mechanism is on/off is not working as expected. If you have any programming knowledge, let me know and we can team up and improve this app :slight_smile:

I have issues with my LG 65G as well, I have to restart the app on a daily basis. I don’t see a crash, but it just does not respond anymore to on, off or other activities on the tv (e.g. start app). This started 1-2w ago.

So far I tried reinstalling the app (via hcs) and PTP of the tv, but no difference.
Any suggestions? Can I somehow help with debugging?

I recently binded the LG to hass, but have this not running at the moment. Could the issue have something to do with this?

I have made a request already, the current LG WebOS app is for:
“This app supports webOS 2 & webOS 3 TVs made by LG” and the current version is already 6.0.

I got an answer that they will work on it…

That is for the LG app created and maintained by athom I believe?
This app WebOS better integration from Max supports more and works much better.


I use the HCS app by Max too, it works like a charm
Software version 06.00.20

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Hi @MaxvandeLaar

Is there any reason why I can not install your app??
The HCS is correctly installed, I already have other apps from the HSC, ik gives the message that the app will be installed shortly, but nothing happens….

LGOLED65G1 webos 6.0

Give it some time. It will start, and try and restart a few times. Has the same thing with another hcs app too

Ate you logged on to HCS? The install button should be green.
Is the Homey HCS app running (not paused / turned off)?
Do you use router / laptop firewalls, piholes, adblockers?
What has changed in your setup since the last successful HCS app install?

Yes, im logged in; The install button is green en the message ’ will be installed’ was shown; Yes de aHCS app is running; No, no blocking from firewall etc; Nothing has changed since the last succesful HSC app install (last week).
still no app installed…

Weird… does any other app install, Marco?

I have re-configured the LG again and last days no issues anymore: tv status is reported well into the homey WebOS app. So my issues seems to result from the TV (which I did not change or update). Happy user again :slightly_smiling_face:

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What did you reconfigure on the LG? What can you reconfigure, besides a fixed IP-adres?

Yes, other apps were installed.

AND after two days the Webos app was also installed :-). Dont ask me why…


Glad to hear it sorted itself out :+1:

Switched to this app because I wasn’t satisfied with the Athom app. Works very fast and stable, great work!

I’m trying to accomplish a flow that switches the lights off when I play/resume a video on Netflix, Prime or HBO Max (using the webos apps) and switches it back on when I pause or stop. It seems this is not possible with this app, but perhaps I’m overlooking something. Also checked the homey device status for my TV when playing a video on Netflix and it does not show the specific status (play, pause or stopped) so it seems this info cannot be monitored. Is there an option to accomplish this?

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I understand your use-case I am however unsure if it is even possible to monitor the ‘state’ of the tv/app/

I doubt that as well, but if it will become available it would be a nice addition.

… and are you able to add your TV as Chromecast device? If so, then it might work (I have it via Chromecast on NVidia Shield Chromecast)