LG WebOS and Homeydash đź‘Ť

Do you know the problem… you are lying on the sofa, switch too far away, smartphone not at hand, only the TV remote control in hand. Why not Homey on TV as an app :slight_smile:

Has anyone else experimented with it?

Video LG WebOS Homeydash


You can call homeydash.com for instance on the browser.
Then you’ll be able to control Homey with your remote’s cursor.
My tv is probably "too old’ already, while the dash doesn’t load completely any longer.
Screenshot 2022-12-05 at 03-50-22 1.HomeyPro Peter

Currently I have created a “hosted web app” with the “LG webOS TV SDK” (website redirect to local Homeydash on NAS). To do this, you have to activate the developer mode with the LG app. The problem is that it resets after 50 hours and deletes all apps unless you extend the time. Unfortunately rootmy.tv doesn’t work on my TV, so I have to use Developer Mode.

To start the app there are two “clicks” on the remote control, it would be nicer I could put it on a button. This would also be possible if I could start the app via “LG WebOS App for Homey”, but no apps are found or displayed for me. But even with the two steps it is ok.

To work around the problem with the 50 hours developer mode, there is a script (webosbrew/dev-goodies), which could be started from Homey Pro. For Home Assistant there is such a script (Automatically extend LG WebOS Developer Mode with Home Assistant).

But even better would be to submit an official app (LG CONTENT STORE) where you can specify a URL to be launched (hosted web app). Is anyone familiar with submitting apps for LG CONTENT STORE? Do you have to pay something, will it be accepted when you submit it?