LG acquires Athom

This is so so bad !! Not for Stefan and Emile. We’ve all seen this happen before. In about a couple of years there will be lots of unsupported apps no longer working with the newly sold hardware. Hope I’m wrong this time but I guess this will be the end of de independent Homey we all love.


Is it you, Koo Bon-joon (Community member since may 28) ?:face_with_raised_eyebrow:?


So back to banging my head against the wall.


im so addicted with the ease of use with homey that it would be a pain in the ass to switch to HA


Hoping that Home Assistant also builds an easy to use interface like the “advanced” flows
Then im able to transition in less then a week.



After almost 9 years of Homey, I’ll soon be gone too.
Fortunately, there are always good new solutions.

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Why… goodbye Homey.

(it’s the money, I know)


bullshit, HA strong partner are contributors, without would be gone after max year, like tons of other projects. I spoke about commercial products btw., so don’t compare with OS

Hi Steaff, I really hope it does. but that depends on the policy that LG will implement, protectionism or collaboration. LG is not a charitable institution. Primairy it needs to add value to its OWN products.

Really sad to hear that Homey gets locked in to the Lucky Goldstar universe

You didn’t say you spoke about commercial products, and since Athom themselves often compare Homey with Home Assistant it’s a fair comparison.

Also, how are HA contributors different from Homey app developers?

Next Homey comes with a keyboard!


Happy for the Homey team, a great accomplishment and well deserved.
I hope this will help to indeed grow Homey and the ecosystem greatly in the next 3 year.
That said it breaks my hearth a little. I would not be surprised If LG uses the honeymoon period to play nice and learn, only to pull a fast one after 3 years and take the whole thing inhouse. With a majority share it will always remain tempting to take control for self interest and LG is an exchange listed multinational after all. Who knows someday we’ll get a great “user focussed” app update like Sonos :joy:

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honestly almost since day one, however decided to support much more Fibaro instead.

I hope so

I have been following the development of Homey for a long time, with its ups and downs I was very hopeful.
Now, after this news, I don’t know what to think anymore.
Perhaps it’s time to consider Home Assistant?


ZDNET says the same thing.
From the article:

“This will allow LG to gain “deeper insights” into customers’ lifestyle and usage patterns that will, in turn, enable customers to create a personalized environment tailored to their preferences in their “AI homes”, it said.”

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contributors spends day and night to get something maybe working for day or two, to spend again time on it - and that’s fine, that’s the idea behind (to contribute)

developers earns money - sure, not Homey app developers—not yet, or maybe even never. But that’s a different story. Athom would never have grown without free developers. It was once “an idea” that transformed into a company strong enough to survive. From a marketing point of view, without enough money to pay developers, you must compare with Home Assistant to get resources for free - or you will die. There is nothing wrong with that; all developers, contributors, customers, and Athom benefit from it. However, issues like the Z-Wave engine problem on Homey last year (is that fixed now? I never saw an official statement) could break your neck if your only product doesn’t work. With LG resources, that would no longer be an issue - i hope.

It’s called node-red…

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