LG acquires Athom

So happy that I sold my Homey and switched to Home Assistant a couple of months ago. And with this now happening, an even better decision


Hopefully it does mean better integration with ThinQ for sure. Maybe we’ll get that “Smart Smart TV” integration @Emile you mentioned in the AMA :wink:

Also my first thought “hopefully this means that homey will be able to control my TV more then 30% of the time” :sweat_smile:

it will be wise-versa :laughing:

Your LG TV will be able to control your Homey more then 30% of the time.


I guess this will be a conversion to Home Assistant. I am not sure LG is the right company to keep Homey as it is. Sad development if you’ll ask me.
At some point share holders want more money. So enshittification will come.


Nobody should worry about any data collection, that will not happen under my watch, and I plan to stay on for a long time.

In the history of takeovers this is the biggest lie.


App developers finally getting paid! #wishfulthinking



You clearly see the redness of that flag, I hope? :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

If their main goal is to get access to Homey OS, Homey as a (hardware) product apparently isn’t.


See allso at the dutch tweakers site:

This is the end of Homey! :smiling_face_with_tear:


I’'ve to agree on that one. 80% is practically full ownership. “this is not in the interest of LG” shall be the new mantra.
And other vendors may pull back now, as LG has access to their platforms now.


I don’t think we should just start coming up with all kinds of doom scenarios.
Only time will tell how this new adventure of Athom will turn out.

Personally, I just hope that sufficient resources will be released for the development and maintenance of the Homey platform and product.
This has always worried me, since 2016, as this beautiful ball is still spinning at my house.

Stefan and Emile, I wish you both the best of luck in this Rollercoaster


other vendors may pull back now, as LG has access to their platforms now. And apps/integrations made by the community.

Also, the real stuff is like this : “LG Electronics said on Wednesday that it has acquired an 80% stake in Dutch smart home platform firm Athom, with the remaining 20% to be bought in the next three years.”
So the rest of 20% will also be sold.

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If you look at SmartThings I don’t think that’s true. I think it probably will even increase the desire for manufacturers to create integrations (if they are going to be good integrations though is a different question).

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Since not everyone will be getting this, this is what was sent to app developers:

Dear partner,

As you might have seen already from our press release this morning, our company has joined LG Electronics. We are very excited about this next major step, and the plans we’ve been able to make together already. As a valued App Store partner for Homey, we wanted to give you some more information on what to expect.

First of all: Homey is not going anywhere. We will continue to offer our products and services as they were, and will continue to invest in the development of our operating system and platform. Thanks to the backing of LG, we expect to be able to grow Homey even faster than we did before, so more users can enjoy our product and, of course, the Homey app(s) you’ve published in the Homey App Store.

Next to that, as you might have read in the press release, Homey’s operating system and associated app platform will become available on non-Homey devices as well, including future upcoming LG products. We believe this is a very exciting step for our system, and we are happy to share this with you, as we will be able to reach so many more users with Homey’s OS. Again, of course, including your Homey app.

You don’t have to do anything right now, as there’s no changes in our Apps SDK and no changed legal entities. Homey will continue to be the open platform we’ve always been. It will continue to be run from Athom B.V., which is now simply a majority-owned subsidiary of LG Electronics. Our current team will stay in place to work with you as we did before, of course with significantly increased opportunities in the near future. We very much look forward to this future – together with our valued partners like you.

If you have any questions or remarks on these new steps we’re taking with Homey, feel free to get in touch! As always, we’re ready for you on partners@athom.com for discussions on our continued partnership, cross-marketing, and other opportunities.

We want to thank you for our collaboration so far – without app partners like you, Homey would not have been what it is today. Let’s make the future an even bigger success, together.

– Stefan Witkamp, Commercial Director


i’m happy for Stefan and @Emile ! Exit point reached (how much btw. 10M? Edit: ohh i see, 60M … amen) For all Homey users, I think it will be better to be part of LG. Some decisions will certainly take longer, but with a strong community behind Homey, LG will definitely listen. Today, you cannot survive without a strong partner.


Meanwhile, Home Assistant.


Another one bites the dust

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I am just thinking about all the HomeKit integrations that were made by the developer and so on.