LED ring and electricity price

I’ve been trying to create simple way to let family know when electricity price is low-normal-high by creating a flow that would light up the led ring in different colors according to price that is active in certain hour.

There seems to be no way to make the led ring “burn” certain color for more than a few seconds?

Any other ideas how to make this work?

You can try to fire the led flow card in a loop.
Like every 9 seconds (or the max time the led ring stays lit).
App: Loops

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Have to ask how you use these loop cards in a flow?

Hi Jari,

Howto should be in the app topic:

An other possibility is using the “Advanced Triggers” app.

And another possibility is using the Transition function of the “Chronograph app”;


Thank you :slight_smile:

Here is an example of a flow I use to light up the ring led according to my wishes

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Took me a while, but I managed to create a flow where Homey led ring animates in loops different colors according to current electricity price.