Or a , or
In this forum it’s lot of different people! And we try our best to explain the situation in a second language. I think if everybody was like you in your explanation it would be war. Your job is IT my job is electrical engineer, two differents angel! My opinion if someone ask me something I would be humble!
Correct me if I’m wrong, maybe I have read your post wrong but in my eyes your answers are besserwisser.
Be humble😌
Hello all.I was having similar problems after updating to iso 15.0.1 on my iPhone Pro11 Max. I use the ‘Smart Presence’ app in homey to mark me home or away when my iPhone connects to my Wifi (and homey says I’m not home - this is to cover any problems with the Home/Away detection). I have added my iPhone’s IP address to my router’s Address Reservation list so that it always stays the same and never changes. After the IOS update, I noticed that Smart Presence wasn’t seeing that my iPhone was connected to my Wifi. I checked in my Router’s Address Reservation list and the IP address was still the same there. So, then I checked in the Wifi Setting in my iPhone and I noticed the phone’s IP address had changed. After some investigation I noticed a new setting called ‘Private Address’ which was turned on. So I turned it off and my iPhone’s IP address went back to the one I had reserved in my router’s list. Now Smart Presence see’s my iPhone again and all is well. I’m not sure if this is exactly a solution to your issue but I feel like it could be so wanted to share it with you all here.
This problem is also related to the Home/Away detection (via WiFi), but has nothing to do with the Homey position or the Home/Away detection via geofencing.
Btw, the private Wi-Fi address was already added with iOS 14.
Another one with the same problem after updating Homeys firmware.
No problems prior Homey firmware update and iOS 15. After Homey firmware update to v7.1.4, geofencing no longer works.
Not exactly:
- The poster said that the hardware was upgraded
- So likely a backup was restored
- Therefore family phones must have been logged in to the new Homey
- Not sure what location settings are if you change hardware and need to login to that on your phone, but if memory serves me right you need to set that again
- the poster did not say what firmware his Homey 2018 was on
- A new Homey app is currently being pushed to users (staged so not all users receive it at the same time)
So lots of things changed…
I have installed the niew app V6.9.2.823.
The update does not solve the problem. If you close the app, so it is not running in the background, home/away does not work.
You’re absolutely right, I misinterpreted the „upgrade“, sorry.
But the result is the same.
I updated to the latest release of IOS Homey App yesterday …
6 x consecutively successful arrival and departures …
Still holding my breath but if it keeps working over the next couple of days I’ll consider it fixed …
It still doesn’t work for my wife, even with the Homey app version 6.9.2.
Not even if the app remains active in the background.
Before I downloaded the Homey App I had Homeys location set to manual.
After I installed the updated App initially it didn’t work the first time. I set Homeys location to automatic . On my phone I shutdown the App and restarted it again…
Since then it’s been good…
Zero issues today …
Is the Homey app open in the background in your situation?
I have tested it several times with all different options and it does not work after the app update.
The only thing what triggers Home/Away is when the app is closed and I open the the app, then it updates the Home/Away. But when I the app running in the background it does not trigger Home/Away.
I linked Homekit to Homey for geofence to trigger Home/Away and that works fine. I cannot depend on the Homey app for this functionality.
Be aware it is hard to tell on IOS if an app is actually running in the background. Even if the app is visible in the background IOS may have closed it to free resources. In my experience it also looks like the Homey IOS app is leaking resources as it gets slower and slower when open for a a longer time. Could be part of the reasons why people have different experience on IOS.
Sam here have to have homey open in background… Doesn’t work at all.
I’m not sure what you mean by Homey running in the background.
As far as I’m aware as soon as the phone goes into standby , or if you go back to the Home screen or if you open a different app, the last opened app goes into a paused state…
I think some apps might get special privileges to do some low level things while they are paused and not being used but I don’t think that’s how Homey keeps track of its position…
From an earlier discussion apparently IOS itself is meant to handle all the geofence monitoring and tracking… When ever it hits a pre-defined boundary (nominated by the app) , it essentially wakes that app up to tell it that the boundary has been crossed and its then up to the app to take action … eg probably contacts Athom’s servers which then contact your Homey Pro…
When I was having this issue I’d also have to restart the Homey app to make it update its position. My theory is on startup it gets its position (once) and notifies Athoms servers,
I’m on IOS 15.01 if that makes any difference…
I was having the exact same problem as you guys but now seems to be fine …
Just for making it more confusing: yes, I feel that this issue is related to iOS15, but i gave to my home/away workaround automation an addition which writes to the app homescreen this notification: “iPhone has not reported arrival” or “…leaving”
I can tell you after a week, iPhones (two 11Pro’s) did not reported arrival or leaving absolutely randomly.
Strange, after updating my wife’s iPhone from iOS 14.7.1 to 15.0.1 and Homey app from 6.9.1 to 6.9.2 three days ago, the Home/Away geofencing is working absolutely flawless.
Meanwhile I guess some problems are caused by iOS 15, which may affect apps with location detection. With the iOS app Geofency and webhooks, the Home/Away detection does not work properly under iOS 15 either. I have been using this app for several years and it has always worked reliably.
Sounds like the exact same combination as mine …
Just upgraded to IOS version 15.02 … Still working for me …