KNX Sensor (Door/Window & Motion)

Hi everyone,
our house has a magnet contacts (one ga) on each window and several motion detectors. Is ist possible to add them somehow via the knx integration? I cannot find the correct device for it. How did you solve it? Thanks

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Hi Mareike,

the only thing you can do is to contact the App developer and ask for adding these devices to the App.

I have the same need and request. Almost every KNX Home has magnetic window/doorcontacts (connected to KNX readcontacts with open or closed status) and motion sensors installed. This type of KNX contacts/devices are missing in the Homey app. Or do I miss something?

Yes, it is missing. I wrote the homey team, but they don’t seem to make it a priority. I am really thinking about returning the homey due to this missing feature.

Could you copy/paste the answer of the Development Team? I’ve contacted them today with the request to add this type of devices (door/window contacts and motion sensors) as well. My previous experiences with Athom Support was OK. Now it seems they are very busy with requests/issues on the new Homey Pro 2023, so the lead time is now 3 weeks.
Give it a while, because I believe these types of contacts/devices should be standard integrated and are not much work for Athom to integrate in the Homey KNX app because of the fixed KNX adresses.

Here is the response I got:

Thank you for reaching out to our support and submitting your request!

Your suggestion to add support for binary sensors in the KNX app is added to our internal list for device requests. I can’t give you any guarantees on if and when your suggested device will be implemented and supported, but please know it has been noted and will be discussed.

I hope I have handled your support request to your satisfaction, which is why I will close this ticket now. If you need further support, please do not hesitate to reopen your ticket by replying to this message.

I wish you a great day and lots of fun with Homey.

Best Regards,

Hi Mareike, I hope to receive an
answer soon from Athom/Homey support.
They could easily add the extra support of door/window sensors and motion sensors in their KNX app, because they are binaire sensors with only a status address (0 or 1 / open or closed / motion or no motion).
This would help many KNX owners which also loves Homey.

Yes, I agree. This would round up the knx integration and could be done with minimal development effort.

Mareike, it took a while until Athom support reacted. Once somebody has opened my 1st support ticket and replied, I’ve asked to look into the new/extra KNX support ticket by the same support guy.
He has created a new ticket for the development team now, and hopefully they will react soon and upgrade the KNX app.
They could not give me any leadtime and/or priority for this simple to fix issue/request and even the support guy could not update the priority of my/our request (and of many other KNX users) to a priority high.
I personally give Athom development/support another 2 weeks to respond. If they do not respond or upgrade the KNX app accordingly, I support your opinion and return all my Homey’s and change to Home Assistant.
Support & development and especially a prof. after service, to let your customers know that they count, is crucial for every company. Athom did this in the past, but currently it seems to have many difficulties. I still wait and see and hope to receive a solution within 2 weeks.

I just installed my new homey pro and the knx app. KNX integration is a must for me. Unfortunately I also noticed, no motion or presence sensor devices are currently supported.
If it’s not coming soon I’ll return it before the 30day return policy passes