[Feature Request] KNX Sensors

Hi there,

i just started using homey and want to integrate my KNX system. But the KNX App unfortunately misses essential sensor types:

  1. presence/motion sensors
  2. door & windows sensors
  3. alarm sensors like flooding, fire,…
  4. humidity sensors
  5. carbon dioxide sensors

Please add this functionalities to the knx app. Homey is useless in a knx environment without using especially the first 3 types…

Best regards,

You should contact the app developer, Athom: Issues · athombv/org.knx · GitHub

Cannot you use the general WHEN card “A data type value is published on group address”.

In the homey app when adding a knx device i can only choose between the following device types:

  • scene
  • shutter
  • switch
  • light (including dimmer, rgb)
  • temperature sensor
  • luminance sensor
  • wattage sensor
  • thermostat

There is no generic device type available.

You eighter create a specific KNX device and then use the cards for that KNX device or you don’t define a KNX device and use the WHEN card “a datatype value is published on group address group address on interface interface” and the WHEN card “send a a datatype value on group address group address on interface interface”. In stead of AND cards use logic cards and tags.
Use both methods for a KNX light and KNX sensor and you will get to know this 2 methods.

I presume you are familiair with KNX groups and datatypes? Did you already experiment with adding device types which are available in the KNX-app?

OK, but this method only applies to creating flows, right?

I also want to use these device types in dashboards.

Adding device types that exist in the knx app works fine. I’m just missing the above mentioned types.

It looks like the only difference in KNX device types is the text in the tile.
So for missing KNX device types, you can try to use KNX device types you don’t use. Or even maybe any similar device type.
Or use (advanced) virtual device.

Well, the tiles are configured according to the data that’s supposed to be measured.

If i choose the temperature sensor device type, the tile displays for example “21°C temperature”
The luminance sensor displays for example “8.7 lx luminance”
I just tried to listen on a temperature group adress with the luminance sensor. It displays: 21lx luminance.

In my opinion it does not make sense to name a device for example Humidity sensor bathroom and use the temperature device type for that. If the humidity is, let’s say 65%, this tile will display 0.65°C temperature.

On the other hand it seems to be quite easy to deploy new device types so i’m wondering, why athom does not put a few hours work in this…

While you are waiting for an update of the KNX app, you can read the humidity sensor with the second method and display the correct info via an Advanced Virtual device.