Knowing how much it has rained today

For watering the garden, I want to make it dependent on a weather forecast app, which shares how much it has rained today. If more then e.g. 5mm, I disable the power of the watering computer and enable it 2 days later.

I tried OpenWeather and KNMI (for The Netherlands) but they all provide forecast but not the data how much rain actually has been fallen.

Did someone solve this, without the use of a additional measuring device? I know it must be possible …

I tried many forecast apps to no avail and finally bought Netatmo’s rain gauge :innocent:

By OpenMeteo it is possible to query rain in the past, but I am not sure, if the app can do it.

Here is a http query, but check how often you should run it.

It is not bad, but at least in Hungary these hectic summer rainfalls are not often reported correctly.
A rain gauge is surely a better option for the local conditions.
I have an Ecowitt/Froggit and there is also an app for the Homey Pro for it.

Of course is this with the “Weather, daily summary” device of the OpenWeather app possible:

(Screenshot 27.08.24, 14:15 o’clock)

Great, I try OpenWeather again using its historic data. I am very interested if the data is matching the number of mm rain in my garden.

Many thanks for your advice. If there are other and better option available without a device, please share.