I’m a new user of Homey and I’m struggling with my weather station from Telldus.
It has been connected to my Homey with the app Wireless weather sensors and the values are visible in the app.
But it only shows the value in mm for each trigging time and as well as a total value (in m3) since the meter was started at the first time.
For me both of them are quite useless.
I would like to have values where I add the number of mm rain and maybe a few different values like mm rain last month, last week, this year and since last time a reset.
I guess I can in some way add the value I gets from each trigger in mm or look at the total amount value for different time periods but I have no cloud how to do. I have tried a lot but with no success.
If anyone can help me on a fairly low level so I understand I’d be grateful!
I was not correct in the text above, it does not show the value (mm) for every trigging, it shows the rain amount for every full hour…
It means it is reset once every hour.
It makes life even harder I guess.
…and I see no settings in the app nor for the device. Either mm is default in the device’s firmware/hardware in the version of station I’ve bought or it’s somehow converted when passing through Homey based on my locale. I wouldn’t know :- )
I read “Rain” as “Rain right now” and am not sure what the “Rain meter” is. It’s measured in volume/m3 so I would think accumulated per day, but it’s sort of constant on 0,21m3. You know?
Just got an reply from Telldus support (good, quick support ) and they said:
The weather station transmits:
Rain per hr and total rain.
Indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity
and Wind (gust and average).
I asked back if “total rain” ever reset and if it could report measures in other scales, and they swiftly answered:
Wind can be changed “Vindhastighet visas i m/s, btf, knop, mph eller km/h.”
And rain can be shown on display “Nederbörd 1h, 1 dygn, 1 vecka eller 1 månad.”
But it is only mm/h and total rain that is sent from display.
In quotes reads:
“Wind speed is shown in m/s, btf, knop, mph or km/h.”
“Rain 1h, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month”
I understand this as this is regarding reading and setting on the accompanying Telldus display. Have you fiddled with the settings on the display?