I have 3 ACST-606 door-sensors and 1 APIR-2150 motion sensor from KAKU/COCO.
They stopped working since a month.
Only way to trigger them is using the on/off button on the inside of the sensor.
Things I tried already:
change batteries
unplug homey for 10 minutes and restart (fixed it for half a day)
delete sensors from homey and add them again. (one cannot be found anymore)
Nothing really works and they sometimes work but I couldn’t find any pattern in it.
I have the same problem with a motion sensor from Heiman (z-wave) and Everspring also z-wave.
Athom tels me that it is an problem from te app.
In my case that are 2 different apps en now there is a 3the appe that usess KAKU so i think it is a Homey problem and not a app problem
Plz check if u know for sure there is no device with an empty battery. Devices with empty batteries WILL overload the band and CAN cause other devices to not work like they supposed to.
There is only one good way to check the batteries and that is measure them.
Batteries in my motion sensor were ok. But due to newly added lights in our street it didn’t recognize motion because the light intensity was too bright.
For the door/contact sensor it was hard to measure the batteries because it were the small button like batteries.
One sensor had a battery which was almost empty. I tested this one by one to just take out the battery.
Also found out that when the battery is almost empty the position of the sensor matters. If the 2 parts are too far from each other it doesn’t recognize it. Which works when the batteries are full.
So looks like it’s resolved.
Hope it stays this way.
Same goes for the KAKU ACST-9900, battery = OK (new) Switch can not be (re-)paired. Reinstalled the KAKU app, restarted Homey, New power suply added to Homey, nothing helps. Very very annoying.
Wall plugs APC3-2300R also live a life of themselves. Sometimes they work sometimes they don’t.
F…g annoying sh.t this KAKU stuff combined with Homey.
No solution yet, perhaps some other device ( a not so obvious one perhaps) is low on battery and interfering within the network.
Had a old KAKU extender AEX-701and a KAKU lightsensor ABST-604 in my network, after removing these one most of the problems are gone.