Just bought a Homey bridge and cant use it

I bought my homey bridge today in my local store.

Now when im trying to setup the device im met with the problem that i need a beta accesscode to use MY newly purchased product.

Im very pissed since such a code should obviously be in the package when they are selling a product.

And i get a email stating if i invite my friends i get moved up on a list for the accesscode. like wtf

i have checked for a way to reach their support but i have not found a way.

Just very pissed

For support or issue resolution, first have a look at support.athom.com. If you are unable to find the answer to your question on support.athom.com you can send a support request to Athom via https://support.athom.com/hc/requests/new.

If you need help you can read more about how to submit a support request.

When filing a support request, make sure you add all necessary information so Athom can help you as quickly as possible.

The local store was probably not jet alowed to sell as the release outside the Athom direct official store is postponed.