Is it possible to link 2 Homey's 2019?

I have a 2019 Homey Pro, and its Zigbee network seems to be overloaded. I’ve purchased a second 2019 Homey Pro to distribute my devices across both Homeys (one for the upper floor and the other for the ground floor).
Is it possible to link them or will I have to manage each ground separately ? (Ex: can a switch linked to one homey can light a bulb linked to the other homey?)
What is the simplest and most efficient way to copy the flows from one Homey to the other without having to recreate everything?


Yes, You might want to take a look here:

Alternatively, you could work with webhooks to connect devices/flows at each Homey:


I’d restore a backup from Homey 1 (H1) to Homey 2 (H2).
Shut H1 down first!

H2 actions:

When H2 is up and running

  • Remove all zigbee devices you intend to keep at H1.
  • Disable any flow which you intend to run at H1

H1 actions

  • Shut H2 down first!
  • When H1 is up and running, remove all zigbee devices you didn’t remove from H2.
  • Disable any flow which you intend to run at H2
  • When you’re very sure no zigbee devices are present on both Homeys:
  • Start H2

App Control

At this moment, we can’t merge 2 Homeys into the app. The easiest way to control H2, without logging in & out every time:

  • Create a 2nd Homey account
  • Transfer the owner role from H1 account to the new created 2nd account (while H2 is a copy of H1, the H1 owner account is also H2 owner)
  • Change the H1 account rights to ‘Manager’
  • At H1, invite the 2nd account as ‘Manager’.
    When done, you’d be able to switch Homeys by pressing a few buttons:

Only for certain tasks, you’ll need to login using the the right owner account:
Managing users and sytem updates


You can also use MQTT as communication between both Homey’s, using virtual MQTT devices, but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

About webhooks as presented by Henk:
In your situation ou can use local webhooks, to avoid using and needing Athom cloud:

I’ve also heard Athom is planning to release an app called Homey Link, which might be what you need. But I wouldn’t wait for it to be published.


to use two different homeys in IFTTT try using webhooks as that actions

:+1: great, I’m gonna try this!
Many thanks

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Thank you Peter, I was wondering if that would be possible !
Is this a theory or did some try this with success ?

Do you think that solution would be compatible with Homesh?

Would , Using a different Zigbee channel on the second homey, help for net work stability? ( I may have to reconnect all devices?)


Which part? :blush:

Which of the solutions (sorry)?

Good one, totally forgot about that.
It’s not known which devices will find the new channel and which don’t.
In case you need to repair: this should work without removing the device prior to that.
Just pair the unreachable devices, the app will reapond with: “device is already paired”.
Just restart the app afterwards and device should be reachable again.

I was wondering if some people had success by using H1 backup on a H2 to keep some devices and flows on H1 :hugs: while using other devices and flows on H2 .
I was also wondering if Homesh would be compatible with this trick?
Thank you Peter!

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I think several migrated to Pro 23 this way, using a Pro 19 backup. Step by step, protocol by protocol. You just stop migrating at some point so to speak

Just make sure to avoid flows running in parallel, to prevent weird things from happening.
There’s a great tool for that: with Flow Checker app, you’ll get a listing of all disabled flows. This way you can quite easy check which ones are disabled on both homeys, and which are still enabled on both.

And I’m sure nothing breaks literally.

You’d install Homesh app set on both Homey’s after te split up.
This way, you can control each Homey with the other Homey (both being controller and satellite).
But when you get the hang of webhooks combined with virtual devices, it might be easier to control stuff at the other Homey.


:+1:Thank you for your valuable advices, i feel more confident now! :pray:!

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