INNR SP120 reset power usage

It seems such a trivial question, but I cannot find on the forum how to reset the kWh tracker in the homey app of the INNR SP120 plug.

There must be a way to simply set it to zero without removing and adding the plug?

To be clear: I mean this screen with kWh tracker:

That’s exactly, what you have to do!

I don’t know any other way to reset the power usage.

Maybe in the future

Oh man, that is not very user friendly. That means that all the flows connected to the device will be bricked I guess?

Unfortunately, not all plug brands have this function, I have a Qubino plug that does show this function (unfortunately the reading does not show-up, it’s always – (dash)!

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I’m looking for the same functionality. Reset the kWh tracker of the Innr sp120 each day at 0.00. Im not interested in the total usage since the power plug is plugged in. I Just want to know the kWh usage per day.

You can use the app “power by the hour” for this. It will give you power usage this hour, this day, this month and this year.

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I have al lot of neo coolcam plugs. Every Sunday they send me the amount of used current in that week per plug. If this is what you are looking for I can show you the flows for that. Just let me know

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Thx I will try it out :slight_smile:

Ah that would be helpful, please share if you have time.

First you heve to make in logica a variable. For example the wash machine

Then you make a flow

Flow is not complete I see. Should be this

Instead of a value, I receive a NaN. So somehow I made a mistake somewhere?

is it correct I had to type the {{round( part, or is there a better way to do calculations.

Edit: I got it working, by adding the ‘Energiemeter’ again in the calculation part. Apparently I used another ‘Energiemeter’. Thanks for the help. I learned a lot how to use these kind of flows.

You also get Nan (not a number) when you set an extra spatie in between the formula

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For Innr Sp120 factory reset: Press and Hold the power button for 5 seconds. I use several of these :slight_smile: