Infrared stopped working

Hi community,

I had an issue with the Infrared antenna of the Homey Pro 2023. I couldn’t turn ON / OFF my Sony TV. Tried everything: Restart Homey Pro, restart apps, used different apps, rewrite flows. Nothing.

I decided to start this Topic. And hoped someone could help me. Just before finishing my request I thought of one more thing. Unplug the power of the Homey for a minute. Than I discovered I put accidentally my wireless phone charger on top of the Homey. Removing it solved the issue immediately. AAARGH it took 2 hours of my life.

I had to post this to help my fellow community members.
I have seen it somewhere in the past on this forum. Don’t put anything on your Homey Pro



2 hours is a small investment for the rest of your life :slight_smile:

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Kudo’s for admitting such a blunder :+1:
Maybe we should make a “blunder topic” one time where everyone can confess to mistakes like this :slight_smile: