Ok this is like the theird time writing here to hope for som responce from a clever guy, i thoght that was me …
all my ikea bulp connected directly to homey are slow and turns of one by one with a delay, which is very anoing. if i use any of the ikea hubs no problem, it seems to only be from advanced scripts, if i use the app and turn them un and off all seems good. anybode have a surgestion . for eks when i turn all light of in the building it takes 6 sec. ver anoying , plus i i hav a candeler where first 4 lights goes off then 3 and then 1. hmhm very frustration. the are grouped in the hoemey app.
To pinpoint the slow bulb issue, could you share these details?
Homey Setup:
Which Homey model are you using (Pro/2023/older)?
Is your Homey firmware updated? (Settings → System Updates).
Network Health:
Is Homey placed centrally or far from bulbs?
Do you use Zigbee repeaters (e.g., Ikea outlets)?
Bulb Configuration:
Are bulbs grouped in Homey’s app or controlled individually?
Total Zigbee devices paired? (Too many can slow the network.)
Firmware Status:
Have bulbs ever been updated via an Ikea hub?
Behavior Check:
Does the delay happen only with scripts or also with basic app controls?
When did the issue start? After a Homey update, new device, or routine?
Would you prefer to communicate in another language? (Noticed minor typos—no worries! 😊) - there are sub-forums in different languages as well
Visual Evidence:
Could you share screenshots of:
Homey’s Zigbee network map (Settings → Zigbee).
Your bulb groups/automations.
I am using the first model of Homey,
running 12.3.2
it is centrally located,
nom repeaters.
grouped in Homey ap, but problem the same for individually bulps.
some have been updated
problem have allways been their prior i have been adviced to pair them directy and omoit didigera hub, which didn helped.
It seem to work ok from the app, but from automation and buttons it is slow activation bulps on by one
Which app do you mean ?
Can you share also view from Homey Developer Tools ?
Also I guess you performed already PTP (pull the plug), have you are tried to disconnect power from all repeaters, eg. using surge protection?
Note there has been cases about Ikea devices causing Zigbee being slow - please try to search on forum.
Last but not least, when those issues started ?
None of the repeaters are being switched off, right ? (eg. Zigbee Ikea bulb is always turned off only via Homey never via switch).
The app is on the and browserapp on computer.
no avery thing have been tried and it has allways been like this when bulps are paired directly with homey. when integration go through the Ikea hub avery thing is fast.
some time they are sitch of by the power switch by misktake but thats not the issue.
io have a scripe where i call the whole house of, and there it also goes in thunks from room to room.
what else do ypu need to se from developer tools
thanks in advance.
First model was Homey (Early 2016) but your screenshots are from a Homey Pro (Early 2023)
And ther have 3 models in between.
So I gues you have the latest model Pro ?
Please try to use eg. deepl.com and translate what you want to write from your language into the english, because it’s really hard to understand, what you are saying ;-(
But basically if I get you right :
- it has been always like that since beginning
- it’s fast when you migrate from Zigbee into the Ikea HUB app - eg. IKEA DIRIGERA Gateway | Homey ?
- you are not using IKEA HUB next to Homey, right? Beware of signal interference !
- I haven’t seen any reaction on the Zigbee / Wifi interfence, have you checked ? Eg. WiFi ZigBee Interference Checker
- if you still have IKEA HUB, I guess all your devices are on latest firmware level ?
Sorry will try and do better, and yes you are right. it is not interference, then the problem would have persistet on ikea as-well
this is a small video of the delay, it is not always the same bulp’s being slow.
Try to group them instead if you get better result , eg using < group > app, in some group types you can even set delays between devices, eg. in ms - it can prevent such delays as by lunching it to all lights, you may overload your ZigBee mesh.
I have also good experience with grouping via Device capability app, eg in my case works better with Wifi lights
… however again you did not answer all questions, so it’s hard to help
every thing works fine with ikea hub so i am close to 100% shure it is a homey issue, secondly
grouping through the app is the same and in the beginning i only had a few bulps on homey and that ws the same , so it is definitely a homey issue, i just wish somebody could shed some light on it.
The issue is that Homey doesn’t support some very basic Zigbee features, like grouping devices, which means that instead of sending a single command (to a group of lights) it has to send a command to all devices individually, and Homey has had issues with that for many years now (not just with Zigbee, also with other protocols). It’s not something Athom is apparently able to solve, and the only known “solution” is to use workarounds, like the <group> app.
IKEA Dirigera over matter, for me the solution to solve a lot of Homey trouble
Well, Lars obviously knows, but I guess he wants his €400 Homey to function like advertised:
I’m a bit confused, you get lots of help offered, i.e. mr. @Sharkys is very much trying to help you, but you keep ignoring or don’t understand some of his questions.
He doesn’t ask to annoy you.
So, a big chunk of info I still miss is this:
- Did you try this proven workaround or didn’t you:
- Interference!
You replied
I cannot believe you did not check, while Ikea probably uses a different channel.
Homey’s zigbee channel might be interfered (badly) by using the wrong zigbee or wifi channel
Lol, me either, but after very much contact with the support, I am quite sure this will not be fixed soon, if it will be fixed.
I am so dissatisfied about some parts of Homey, that I decided to start working with more hubs again, and the reliability increased significant.
Maybe once, Athom/Homey will fix, but I do have very big doubt about it
Wifi channel 1 with 40 MHz bandwidth is already in interference with Homey Zigbee channel 15.
But it is real a pain in the ass to get the zigbee channel of Homey changed and you are not able to set in “manual”. There is also no proper support on this function as well.
Yeah, Homey is a very expensive nice to have item, but it is not the holy grail
I have tried to group them in group app version 3.2.4 no difference
operating them from the phone they responde quite rapidly individually, operating the group one or 2 is behind .
there is no interference on the wifi -Zigbee.
shurely somebody else must se the same or else something is really wrong in my setup.
it started when the first ikea bulp got connected, there is nothing wrong withHue connected over the hub, nor Ikea connected over old or new hub.
am i still missing to answer something.
Might be obvious, but I couldn’t find it in your information and I just want to check: is the 2.4GHz wifi channel set to a fixed channel?
So, that should mean, when you remove the Ikea lights from Homey, the zigbee issues will disappear again?
(Not to be an ass, but in that case we found the culprit imho).