Ikea vey slow responses

I think the 2.4g on homey is channel 25. it dosent sound right that the homey channel is 25, it sound a bit high but havent daared to move it,
still again as i remember it when i added hue directly is that it is only ikea which seem to be a problem. and yes moving the same bulps back to ikea hub makes them respond immediately again.


Which group type have you used ?

Also when you control that single bulb, is it also responding after 2-3 sec ?

Do you mean Zigbee channel, not 2.4 GHz Wifi channel… based on your screenshot there is no interference.

Do not play with Zigbee channel, you would mostly end up with manual repair of all lights.

they are right now group in the homey tree and have tried the group ap no difference.

Isn’t this topic the trouble with Homey these days? The all easy solution for all brands/protocols suddenly isn’t?

Following different threads I can see questions popping up of all kinds. Just the fact that You have to ask basic questions in a forum should send a signal to Homey.

We are not all experts, Homey was the way to go but nowadays it seems that almost every configuration ends up in threads in this forum.

Saying this the forum and You experts that help us, no experts, to get things working so keep up the good work.

Maybe it is just me having a bad day.

I had a very similar problem. I used the developer’s tools to verify everything was communicating properly. I shut everything down overnight. Powered it all back up and waited like a half hour. Everything works great.

  1. verify paths in developers’ tools. This will identify slow connections.
  2. If you find a slow connection see if a zigbee repeater will solve the problem.
  3. You can try powering down one controller at a time to see if it’s a bad controller.
  4. Power them all down and bring them up one at a time. See if you can find the culprit that way.
  5. Use groups. Group in 3’s and see if one of the groups causes the problem.

Homey support tin the US does not exist. LG bought 80% so it might get better?

Just curious, Graig, but what do you mean by that? US customers actively getting ignored by Athom support?

I have submitted various support requests and many have gone unanswered. One came back three weeks later asking if it was still an issue. Most are general no responses.

In a global economy the support can handle it globally. Like there is also only one Homey Community only separated or optimized by language preferences.

For what I heard a part of the support is having a backlog of a couple of weeks before handling or answering. But others are still faster answered.

Homey’s a good product, but the support is nonexistent in the US. Maybe LG will hire some help. I cannot recommend Homey to end users because of the support issue.

I have groups of lights that perform well.